Sunday, April 30, 2006


Just to inform you guyz, the three of us who took part in the Kuiz Sains Alam Sekitar got third place in the regional (East Malaysia) quiz. Actually, to be honest, it was third out of three teams, so technically, we're last. =P But then again, this is the REGIONAL quiz, so I figure that third in the entire East Malaysia isn't too bad. =) As for why we got ONLY third, there a PLENTY of excuses. Just ask Pn. Rosni. =P We lost to the second team by 1 point, due to an ambiguous question. But nevermind, i won't list down the excuses here, there wouldn't be any point in doing that. SMK All Saints won fair and square, all things considered, and we believe we've done our best. Anyway, thanks to you guyz for all your support.


Saturday, April 29, 2006

just another reminder

Hello everyone.This are just reminders for Tuesday.

Madam Kang : Yesss????Don't forget about your essay have 3 days to do
ahh...correct???So I'm sure you don't have any reasons why you can't
finish ah....and don't forget about your borang PIBG have to
hand in the form eventhough your parents are not going ah...
Madam Goh : Ok...I'll give you testh(test) on gubahan.It will only take one period.
Ok....please finish your latihan pengukuhan as your homwok...
ok...can you pleasth(please) keek(keep) quiet?
Mr James : Ok...try to finish your pengamiran exercises and hand it to me anytime.
We'll going to start with Vektor on Tuesday.
Madam Pung : Please finish your english essay and hand in on Tuesday
Madam Rosni: There is a biology class on Tuesday afternoon.So,don't forget
to bring your biology text book on Tuesday.

Yesss ah....there will be no school on Monday ah...It's a labour day ah.If you come to school,then you will be all alone at school ah...eheheheeh...Madam Kang laughing)....-the end-

Attention please..

Okay guys, here's the deal. I've two things to discuss about, and I'm gonna need feedback from you guys. I'm gonna keep it short since I don't really have much time left to surf and blog. So..I'll just go straight to the point.

1. Class T-Shirt:

Ivan and I went to M.Y. T-Shirt Center this morning. We talked to the person in-charge, and after a lot of discussion, we've managed to reduce the price to RM20 per shirt (if we buy it for 30 people at one time). Now, we've went through a lot of trouble to make this "happen", all we need is just a few more stuff. The question is, should we go on with the idea? 'Cuz I don't wan't people to be like.."Oh, I don't think it's gonna be nice" or whatever. So, before we move on, I'll just need maybe one or two more opinion(s)..

2. Performing for Teacher's Day:

As you all know, Asyraf decided to surprise the teachers by giving them one last gift before we leave school. Jonathan, Agan, Chan, Haziq, Asyraf himself and a few more guys thought that singing would be a great idea. Again, there's a problem. What song should we sing? I've heard a couple of nice Coldplay's Fix You and The Wonders' That Thing You Do. Um, guys wouldn't mind picking the song we're gonna sing for Teacher's Day, right?

Well, I guess that's all for now. Please, do leave a comment or two to make it easier for everyone, alright? Thanks in advance! Oh, by the way, I'm gonna put up a temporary site for you to listen to samples of the song we have on our list right now. It should be up by..8.30 tonight..=P


Edit: 9.03 pm..The site is now up and's a really simple one. Very straightfoward, you should be able to preview music in a just few seconds. Anyway, you can reach it via this URL:

STS Concert Results!

Okay, it's been more or less one week already, and your votes are in. Though some may scream of biasing, I'm just giving you the mean of all the votes totalled in.

Results based on 23 votes, and the STS Concert is...


Rounded up, we can say that a majority rated the concert 4.1/5.0.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Another long weekend

Not as long as the last one, but it's still a long one nonetheless. Anyway, I'll skip the boring parts of the day and jump straight to the noteworthy ones. A fight more or less broke out during the 6th period of school. From what I heard, some Form 4E/4F kid brought an ink bottle to school(for unknown reasons to me). His friends took it, and he naturally got pissed. Then the prefects arrived, and it got worse to the point that he punched the glass pane on one of the doors. Obviously, the pane broke, and his hand bled. Stupid guy, think he's so macho? Better he just socked it to his buddy. That's a lot more meaningful than punching a sinless pane. Another noteworthy bit is that one of the girl prefects got hit in the head by the shards. And it bled and she cried, and that's where my knowledge of the matter ends.

Oh, and today's Matthew's birthday. Unfortunately, he wasn't around today; he, Jia Wern and Alfarouq are off to Sabah for the Kuiz Sains/Kimia? But nevermind, we'll sing for him when he comes back on Tuesday. That still doesn't mean he doesn't get a shoutout here!


1)Maths 'homwok', Latihan Pengukuhan, all questions
2)Physics report, experiment 2.6
3)BM essay, question 1, due on Tuesday
4)English essay, deadline unknown, possibly on Tuesday

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Just like USA

Wow! Long time since I last posted here. Kinda busy lately and having to choose to post on which blog - class blog or mine.

Anyways, I wanna get straight to my point. (I just hope the ISA, Interpol or CIA doesn't come looking for me and so it anyone related to running our school) So, in case you weren't in the assembly hall this morning, this was what happened. We had Mr. Darry talking about the Jogerthon thinggy... (ah, I wasn't paying attention anyway!) Me and Fahri thought of something which we thought cool.

Let's say our school is some country just like the USA.

Mr. Pan is like George W. Bush... why? Well... he creates all these lies and conspiracy by using words that make us believe that the main purpose was for that thing. He covers his main intentions with something that will attract our mind and attentions. Exactly like Mr. Bush saying that he was looking for the WMD in Iraq.

Then we have Mr. Darry who was talking about the Jogerthon just now. What he said was some of the money collected from the Jogerthon will be used for supporting our school's curiculum (did I spell it correctly?) activities. What most of us believe is that most of it will go to out school's band, am I right? (sorry band members!!) So that makes Mr. Darry, Mr. Donald Rumsfeld.

So, I guess most of you know what that makes Pn. Belinda... yeah! Cornelissa Rice (I'm not sure with the spelling though)

So, what that makes the prefects? Military, CIA, Interpol...

Us? If you add in the Iraq war... we're the Iraqis!!! The problematic ones are the Taliban and Al-Queda (right spelling?)

AH! PERFECT!! I think I better leave before I talk more crap...


Yeap, it's my first post since God knows when..Just a little reminder..
(Thought I'll do it since I haven't seen it yet..)

- Tomorrow, the 2 Additional Math periods will be taken by our "mother", Miss Mah. 2 periods of Physics on Friday. Wow, that's gonna be interesting...Anyway, please bring all the required books so that no one will be punished.

Spread the word around..send SMS-es to your friends. Let's see how she's gonna react when she sees how effective this blog is when it comes to reminding us about homeworks..=P

Oh, and by the way, to all of you guys reading this, thanks a lot for the birthday greeting. I reaally appreciate it.


All in a Thursday

To begin with, we had assembly as usual, every fortnight. That means every period onwards was considerably shortened; as such, Maths was basically a free period, since a lot of people, namely prefects and members of various uniformed bodies had to remain in the stadium for their briefings. After that, we had History, and Pn. Nuriya more or less wrapped up Chapter 5. Before break, we had two periods of Physics, during which Ms. Mah informed us that she'll be taking over Mr. James' MT periods tomorrow. So much for starting Vector tomorrow.

After break, we had two periods of Moral; the Muslims having their own separate two periods of Islamic Studies. We ended the day with two periods of Chemistry, both of which were spent doing a test.

Oh, and today's Fahri's birthday, so, to the birthday boy...


Yeah! Our first 16-year old PTS jumper for the year! Next comes Jia Wern.

1)Tomorrow's MT periods are taken up by PHYSICS. That's TWO periods of Physics. Consider it more of a replacement.
2)Maths 'homwok', Latihan Pengukuhan, all questions
3)Physics report on Experiment 2.6. Deadline unknown
4)We're doing some essay for BM tomorrow, so your 'Karangan' exercise book is a must.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Just reminders

As the title says.

1)Maths 'homwok', Latihan 5.3, 3 & 5; Latihan Pengukuhan, all questions
2)Chemistry test tomorrow, Chapters 1 & 2, Form 5
3)Non-Muslims, there may be a Moral test tomorrow, so cram all those nilai
4)Also for Non-Muslims, RM3.90 is required from you to pay for the Moral workbook
5)RM6 is required for MT workbook
6)Asyraf is still collecting RM1 for Teacher's Day

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Yo! Yo! Yo!

Today was another 4 periods of calculations, namely Maths, and Add. Maths. Pn. Goh continued on with Ubahan Songsang, gave us three exercises, which I think most of us finished. She wanted to continue teaching, but none of us were too happy about it. So we spent about 5-10 minutes of idleness, or rather, watching the STS/SJS Handball Competition from our floor. After that, Mr. James came in and wrapped up more or less the whole chapter of Integration.

Then boring, boring BM came, two periods of it. We finished reading the 'Jangan Bunuh Rama-rama' Drama. Some bits were hilarious. Joel originally had two different voices for Nur Atma I and Nur Atma II, but it proved too much of a challenge to keep both personas going, as well as the urge to fight the rising laughter. The school day ended with two periods of BI, and Pn. Pung gave us another handout, which we finished in relative silence. Personally, I feel as if we're not learning much in English anymore. Understandably, Pn. Pung is pregnant, and as such, can't move much. I wonder what are the odds to get Nazaruddin to replace her while she goes for her maternity leave?

1)Maths, Latihan 5.2c, 3 & 4; Latihan 5.2d, 1, 3 & 5; Latihan 5.2e, 2, 5 & 7.
2)Chemistry test on Thursday, Chapters 1 & 2, Form 5.

Monday, April 24, 2006


Read the signboard!

What does it say? Understand it?

Try reading the sign again!! Anything special about the sign?

VERY Interesting...Try reading the sign for a few times!

Empty promises

We started off the week with a 4-period-long Moral seminar by Pn. Josephine. The first four science classes had the honour of attending the seminar. Overall, we got a better idea of how (ridiculous) the marking scheme is. Again, another paper that over-emphasizes specific answers. During the course of the seminar, everyone managed to get on Pn. Josephine's nerves, resulting in guilt talk after guilt talk. Then Joel(?) figured it'd be a good idea to write a little promise to her, with all of our signatures(by that, I mean only 5A's). So much for being good, as mentioned in the note. She got pissed again and again, and somehow I figured that note didn't make much of a difference.

Anyway, that was the seminar in a nutshell, with guilt talks interspaced between tips. After breaktime, we had Biology, and PN. Rosni finished off our exam paper discussion, and continued on to homeostasis. Then we had Moral(5 periods of it already), and finished off the day with BM, and EST in the afternoon.

1)Maths homework; 5.1d, 3 & 4; 5.2e, 3, 5 & 6
2)The urine handout we received last week. Due tomorrow.
3)Asyraf is still collecting RM1 for Teacher's Day, unspecified gift.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Review - STS Concert and Montage

On 21st and 22nd of April, our counterparts from across the street held a concert. This event featured their school band, their choir, and their dance troupe. The event was held at the Batu Lintang Teachers' Training College. I attended the second night's event, and I think I got quite a good deal for my RM30. And now, I present to you my review of the event from my perspective as a Josephian, and my coverage of the event.

NOTE: This review was written with as little impartiality as possible.

Anyway, the event began with a cultural performance. To summarize it, I could watch the same thing at the Cultural Village, but that's such a long way away, so I'm watching this same performance in the comfort of Kuching. That would more or less be Part I of the show, according to the programme. Then, as usual, everyone had to stand up for the national anthem. One thing of note for Part I was the irritatingly repetitive chorus/piece(?) played by the band. I think that was played about 7 times throughout the whole of Part I. Aside from that, I have no complaints.

After that, as usual, the second night of the event usually means the officiation of the event itself, and with that, means speeches. Lots of it. Well, only three, but those were long-winded(as usual). Finally, after maybe 20 minutes, the show got back to being interesting. For Part II of the concert, I was treated to a performance by the STS Choir and Band, and one dance. The choir opened Part II by performing songs such as 'Some Enchanted Evening', Siti Nurhaliza's 'Bukan Cinta Biasa', and a medley of three Disney songs. After that, we watched a dance performance of Janet Jackson's 'Together Again'(If Chan were there, maybe he'd like Aguilera better). And, at last, I got to see for myself the STS Band. I must go out of the way to mention that, for a symphonic band, John Philip Sousa pieces seem highly inappropriate, considering they're mostly military marches, and one certainly loses the feel of the song when one doesn't perform it while marching. Aside from that, it was pretty decent. Then we listened to another medley, this time of ABBA songs, and finally, another medley of classic rock and roll songs. My friend Richard notes that the trumpets love blasting too much, and too loudly. Thus was Part II concluded, and a short break.

Part III was apparently, the highlight of the entire event, or so the emcee's said.All three groups performed simultaneously for this last part of the concert. The school band performed classical pieces from Georges Bizet's compositions, the choir sang along, accompanied by the dance troupe. My good friend Richard, gave his (somewhat biased) opinion of their performance that evening. Overall, I would agree with him on a few points. He applauds them for their courage to actually perform difficult pieces such as Carmen and Tchaikovsky's '1812 Overture', even if it sounded messy in most parts, especially the Overture. But, again, kudos to them for actually trying it out. After that, the concert concluded with the STS School Rally, to which unfortunately we ALL had to stand up. No offence to them and all, but why should we? After all, not everyone in the audience is a Teresian, or an ex-Teresian.
So, the answer to that eludes me. It's akin to brainwashing, albeit an ineffective one. But, we, as a respectful audience, stood up nonetheless. Thus concluded the concert that I attended last night. Personally, I would give it a 3.5 out of 5. It was enjoyable indeed, but not as spectacular as I thought it would be.

And now, I present to you the photos.

This is roughly everyone that will be performing that night.

Oooh, electric sapes. My kind of tribal guitar.

The ethnic overture of Part I.

Another shot of Part I.

Mr. Su, the STS principal, gives his speech.

The officiation of the STS Concert.

Part II of the show, kicked off by the STS Choir.

A piano accompaniment provided a musical background for the choir.

A dance performance of Janet Jackson's 'Together Again'.

The STS Band opening up with J. P. Sousa's pieces.

The STS Band has a sousaphone; Richard notes that the SJS Band doesn't however, but has two convertible tubas(whatever that means).

Ah, a saxophone solo. I heard David was hard-pressed to go up and do a solo himself too.

Finally, Part III of the concert, with the band and the choir performing together.

The choir complementing the band in Part III.

Accompanying both groups is the dance group.

After the show, the Teresians went into 'After-party' Mode.

That concludes my review of the STS Concert. Anyone interested in procuring the 150 pictures I took of the event, be it Teresian or Josephian, drop me a comment.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Food for thought

I'm feeling somewhat obliged to contribute to this concerted class effort, so here goes.....

Life is short. We all know that. We may try to deny it, or refuse to think about it, but I think each and every one of us would acknowledge that as a fact.
So life IS short. Question is, what are we doing "with the time that is given to us"? (Quote Gandalf) Think about it. A quarter of our productive lifespan is already over, and what have we been doing? Getting educated, I suppose. But to what point and purpose? That's the question i want to ask, and attempt to answer.
What CAN we do in life? We can live out life in the indifference of ignorance, a fool who struts his hour upon the stage, or we can at least try to make a difference. The latter option looks more appealing to me, and I'm sure most youths of this energetic, restless, brilliant but aimless generation would agree. No one wants to remain an unknown. We all want to shake the very foundation of this world to it's core. We want to change the world, explore the unexplored, push the boundaries of the unknown, be SOMEBODY.
But HOW?!? Here I am, a naieve, unexperienced, ordinary boy of a mere 15 years, (yes, I'm still fifteen.... =P ), living in a nondescript town going to a nondescript school with a boring past and a bright but blur future. I expect most of you have a similar story to tell. Yet we all want to be somebody who makes a difference. HOW?!?
I'm trying to consider our options. We could be rebels, dye our hair pink, wear black leather, and run around shouting, "The government sucks!" or something like that. Would that make a difference? Maybe. Look at the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Those students did make a difference. But a lasting one? Hmm....
Or we could continue with our present course. Finish school, graduate from university, get a good job. How to make a difference? By pushing the boundaries of science by becoming a scientist? By becoming a doctor and saving lives? By becoming a billionaire and eradicating poverty? Would that make a difference? The boundaries of science are limitless, people will forever continue to fall sick, richness is but a subjective adjective.
Or we could try to infuence people and change them for the better. Be a rock star and add cheer to people's lives. Be a writer and try to influence the way they think. Be a missionary and try to save their souls. Be a champion for the causes of GOOD ( another subjective adjective) in whatever way we can envision. Would any of this make a difference?
So..... The question is there- what do we do with the time that is given to us? Contemplate that, and plan for the future. Life is short, be ambitious, make a difference, SHAKE THE WORLD..... Who and what do you want to become? Don't let other people make that decision for you. It's YOUR life. Use it well. How? YOU think about it. And just do it.


Alright guys, I know some of you attended last night's STS Concert. So since they came to our Band Idol last year and gave their opinion, it's time we returned the favour. I've put up a poll for you to rate the STS Concert. Now I know we may be biased against them, but based on all three performances of the night, I want you to give your near-honest opinion about it, and vote accordingly. After a week, I'll tally up the votes, and publish the average for all to see. Please don't vote multiple times as you'll certainly screw it up and falsify the results(I know some of you are keen to do that). And Teresians, don't fake it either by voting a '5'. I'm not saying you can't vote, but if all you're ever gonna select is a '5', then I might as well just give my own opinion after tonight, and disregard everyone else's.

I'll also see whether I can post up some photos after tonight too. We all need coverage for the event, don't we?

So, remember, just give your near-honest opinion on the show.


No need to apologise to me
Frank is what I need
If i do not grow
I continue to be what I am
A boy.

I in fact should apologise
So, I am sorry brothers.

Friday, April 21, 2006

"Oh shit"

Today was a nice day, and it marks the end of 'Language Week', organised by the school administration. I don't need to tell you what 'Language Week' does, since neither I nor you are interested to find out.

'Language Week' closed with an Interclass Forum Competition. For some reason, only 3 out of 4 science classes took part; the same also happened with the 'Deklamasi Sajak' last Tuesday. Only the A, B, and D classes took part, leaving everyone to wonder why the C class chickened out. Anyway, the forum competition turned out fine. At the end of it, members of the audience were invited to give their comments on the three topics spoken. The topics posed by the three competing classes were: Moral Education in Society(5A); Extra-curricular Activities(5B); and Drug Abuse(5D). Apparently, 5A's topic hit a note somewhere in the crowd, because everyone seemed to have something to say about M.E.. Then, Alleem came up to the mike, and he gave his own thoughts. Unfortunately, he accidentally cursed, and the auditorium erupted in laughter. Later on, we found out that he thought nobody could hear him. Ah well, at least everyone enjoyed it, except maybe the teachers. It was a hilarious moment, indeed.

Suffice to say, 5A won both the 'Deklamasi Sajak' and the forum competition. I don't know about you, but I won't be surprised to know that there may be a few parties who aren't content with the judges' results. After all, 5A won 1st, 2nd, and 3rd for the sajak competition, but none of the judges taught 5A, so favouritism is out of the window. As for the forum competition results, I think everyone agreed on who ought to get first, since 5D, especially bungled up a (unscripted?) question.

The rest of the day continued on as usual; Pn. Nuriya with Chapter 5, and Mr. James with Integration.

Before I go, I'd like to wish these two brothers a 'Happy Birthday', and also reminders.


Yeah, we're all growing up now, and ready to tackle our driving lessons soon. Oh, and seeing that the STS Concert is tonight and tomorrow night, I will put up some polls so that you can all give your rating for the show, since they did the same with our Band Idol last year.

1)Physics report, experiment 2.5, if I recall correctly.
2)Chemistry test, next THURSDAY
3)Biology handout homework, the one on air kencing, due on TUESDAY
4)Maths homework
5)Parents' Day tomorrow, and we're supposed to wear our school uniforms(Bummer)
6)We need to pay up RM1 for Teacher's Day. Apparently Bernard Maoh has something in mind.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Back to school again, after the long weekend. We didn't learn much in Maths today, since we spent the next two periods in the auditorium to listen to the 'Deklamasi Sajak'-thing because of Language Week. Luckily, we didn't miss the next two periods of Add. Maths as Mr. James continued with Integration.

Then we had a surprise Physics period. Yeah, Ms. Mah's giving us too much love already; we're getting sick of it. After that, we had two periods of BM and one free period, due to Pn. Pung's absence(probably on maternity leave).

1)Maths homework, Exercise 5.1b, 1, 4 and 5.
2)Add. Maths homework.
3)Biology corrections for 'air kencing', only for those who had their papers returned to them.
4)Word around the class is that there's supposed to be a History test tomorrow on Chapter 4, can anyone confirm that?

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter!

To all those Catholics/Christians out there, and y'all Brothers-in-Christ, Happy Easter!

1)NO school TOMORROW!

Friday, April 14, 2006

SAMAR Frog Dissection

Last Saturday, the SJS SAMAR club organized a frog dissection session. We managed to procure two frogs for the dissection. Quite a number of people attended the session, and some curious heads popped in to have a look. Before you continue down for the pics, a disclaimer, just in case some wiseguy decides to sue.


That aside, here are the pictures.

So many of the critters.

Our two test subjects.

Hmm, nothing like impending doom to make one think of one's life.

This one's gone stiff from the chloroform.

Nail 'em hard, and nail 'em deep.

Let's start the dissection!

Pinning open the skin. Heh, even frogs have six-packs.

Our Bio lab's resident preserved foetus.

Ah, frog guts.

Beginning gut-removal process.

One gutted frog.

Frog guts.

Frog eyeball.

Oh look! A whole jar full of preserved frogs!

The dead truly can't see.

Headless, and gutless.

Part of the team behind the dissection. Left to right: Pan, Richard, Noel, David, Godric, Javier, Jeremy.

Overall, it was a very fun experience, despite both frogs being female; thus, we weren't able to see frog balls. For the record, nobody threw up, or felt sick(except maybe Adam, who dropped by for a look).


Double the noise
double the trouble
double the irritation
sticking to y'all like dermatitis
none of y'all gonna stand it
asking who the hell is this
it's me again

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Another Mufti Day Montage

Here's the second and third batch of photos! Enjoy!

Hard workers. Left to right: Aaron, Agan, Matthew, Jonathan, Cheng.

Jars of preserved creatures.

Haziq S. and Zacky face off!

After Joel lifts Jon up, he decides to carry him backpack-style instead.

We're the Kings of Mufti!

I'll put up the photos on the frog dissection tomorrow.

1)Chemistry test on Chapters 1 and 2, Form 5, in two weeks' time.
2)EST reports way overdue.
3)English report on 'Crappy Library'

class t-shirt

You guys know what I just noticed? well, most of my post here are about the class t-shirt. So, I think I've finally made a choice of design. I will bting it up into class and show you all the design.

Erm... most probably the t-shirt will be made during the holidays and maybe you'll get it after the holidays or exam. If you all still want to send a design, go ahead. I'm still looking for a better design. About the brand of shirt, up to you... If you want your design to be printed ona Nike shirt, well... maybe we can ask them to do it...

Please send in maybe 1 or 2 more design so that we can have a better t-shirt... sleeve-less shirt is also accepted.


I am just wondering......
The skirts in 5sc1 call me "JAVBOY" because they think i'm childish and boyish and immature.

But how come they are insulted?

Aren't the words of a boy petty as mere wind?

I'm just someone:
"That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more; it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing." -Life's Brief Candle, Shakespeare.

But still i am astounded to hear that the author of the 5sc1 profile has attempted some correction. I am but a boy and those girls wouldn't stop calling me a boy (as in immature).

I reiterate: Aren't the words of a boy petty as mere wind?

SATIRE (HAPPY DAVID?????) is not the objective of my words; neither is insult.

"It's just stating facts," -JWern.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Another Wednesday...

Has come and gone. We kicked off the day with Biology, and Pn. Rosni spent two periods discussing the answers to our last exam. Then came boring, boring English, and we're supposed to do a report concerning the (fictional) crappiness of the school library. Then came the fun part, PE! Yeah, we all had fun, be it football, basketball, tennis, badminton, or gym, everyone had their own PE to spend.

After recess, Maths was replaced by Physics, and we spent one period of it discussing electromagnetism in real-world applications. Mr. James continued the second part of school with Pengamiran(Integration), and we went a little further into the topic. We spent BM listening to Aaron's group as they did their oral presentation. After that, we ended the day with History, and Pn. Nuriya wrapped up Chapter 4 since Pn. Kang's taking over her period tomorrow for oral.

Oh, we gave Nizam a belated 'Happy Birthday' during break today, since yesterday was a public holiday.


1)Add. Maths
2)English report
3)No History tomorrow; we're having BM instead
4)Non-Muslims, I think Mdm. Alice is gonna give us a test tomorrow on Bidang 5, so memorize those values well.
5)Your EST report on the three holiday sites MUST be handed in, or apparently Pn. Norhaizah's telling your parents on Parents' Day.
6)Physics PEKA III due tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Okay, finally I'm done with our class profile. I hope I didn't miss out any corrections....

1)EST report due tomorrow.
2)History Mind Map long overdue
3)BM Oral continues tomorrow
4)No Maths tomorrow; it's replaced by Physics

Monday, April 10, 2006


Up to no good once again making people angry here and there laughing as if i'm the best in the world then hide away and cry at my stupid self make a fool of myself in front of everyone then cry some more thinking i can be better than those who are smarter than me being an idiot seems so fun but wanting to be clever is the other ingredient for disaster which only ends with my demise being deceased is what i dream of being away is what i want staying out of people's minds lives thoughts hopes dreams hatred love cares target hunger pain lost in my feelings because i'm letting my demon take over the reins releasing all control letting lose all havoc empty is my memories of my halcyon time because there's never space for anything else but spite and pain i'm wondering why i had to born in the family i'm in why i had to such a mother-fucking asshole who's too full of himself why i had to be such a smarty-pants why i had a God why i had to have friends why i had to alive why i had to survive why i have to live why i wasn't an accident that can be pushed aside narrow-minded short-sighted angry at why girls had to feel that they were being specifically addressed when the discusion was in the general why i had to think i'm so smart whydo i have to study why do i have to be human why i have to be clean why i have to be perfect why i had to be normal why i have to feel like a leader why i have to seek pleasure why i have to experience the shit we call life why does so much shit and lies and thoughts become truths that make us "complete" why is there pain why are there parents and friends and family and a God why is there a Satan why is there loneliness why is there a reason to feel happy sad angry lost content satisfied hungry cold warm home rich poor corrupt apathetic empathetic sympathetic loved unaccepted different special hated wanted care emptiness controlled pressured hurt insulted emancipated caged why do i have to be around on this world wondering wandering seeking death and hoping it won't be suicide hoping i won't have to do it myself i'm challenging my God to take my life personally in His mighty hands and crush me and throw me into the bowels of the lowest Hell and let me suffer die abandoned because i NOW i wanna prove that He's wrong in His decision of creating me in His will and strength in His love Him wrong Him untrue Him unfaithful Him mistaken take me now and let me die so that people will see You are wrong though respectable if i prove You wrong You prove Yourself true and a liar for you've broken Your promise where are You now where art Thou???

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Reminders, and a possible surprise

Right, guys. I've little to say, except that our school SAMAR club held a frog dissection yesterday. I can tell you this though, it isn't as gross as you might think, and from my perspective, it was a hell lot of fun!

I'll post pictures of them once I've received it. Unlike the Teresians, our frog was knocked out, and subsequently suffocated, so we didn't experience any frog 're-animation' like they did. Consequently, however, we weren't able to observe the lungs inflating and deflating. The plus side is that the heart continued beating two hours after we euthanised the frog(is euthanasia applicable here?).

We removed everything; lungs, heart, livers, kidney, ovary(yes, it was a female), stomach, intestines, spinal column, and both eyeballs. Oh, and I did forget to mention we skinned it too? Jeremy has the frog skin now, and it's preserved; we're planning to put that up on our class wall to gauge teacher's reactions. How's that for keceriaan kelas, eh?

1)Make sure your Physics PEKA 3 papers are ready.
2)Okay, for y'all non-Catholics, I think Mdm. Alice might spring a surprise test on us tomorrow, so memorize that nilai-nilai.
3)The BM Oral Assessment continues tomorrow.

Friday, April 07, 2006

A bright ray of sunshine

Today's the end of a depressing week. I'm not saying it was depressing to everyone, just those who didn't do very well this exam. To a few, this was a good week with excellent results. But I'm not here to talk about the minority, except in this case.

Today marked the beginning of our BM Oral Assessment. After that, came English, and we finally had our papers returned to us. Then after recess, we had History, and after that, EST. EST was crappy, in my opinion. Everyone got horrid marks, and I for one certainly find the draconian marking scheme utterly cruel and unforgiving.

Our last two periods were Add. Maths, and we also finally got our second part of our papers back. I think we did pretty well; only 4 people failed(that would be <40). Everyone else got >40, and 17 had >80. And someone got 100. Well, 110, actually. His paper can now be considered the answer sheets.

Who am I talking about? Why don't you have a look at the picture below and take a good guess?

110/100!? Now seeing IS believing.

Talk about PWNAGE!

Our class profile is almost done. I'd say, 95% complete. I just need a couple more quotes. Then my task is complete, and I have all of you to thank for your contribution. I've also changed the email font colour to white, and I've removed ALL pictures of Cosmus(sorry Cosmus!) from the pages.

Oh, and if you want to change your quote in our class profile, drop a comment here. I'm open for quote changes until 11:59PM, 8th April 2006. That's tomorrow if you're too lazy to look it up.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Yo yo yo

Hmm dudes....
I remember saying: "I HATE local music!"

Let me explain.....
There are a few local music bands that I do like. For example:
  1. Disagree
  2. Lo
  3. K-Town Clan
  4. Love Me Butch
  5. 7 Collar T-Shirt
  6. One Buck Short
  7. Frequency Cannon
et cetera et cetera et cetera et cetera et cetera

But the bloody problem is GOOD QUALITY LOCAL BANDS/ARTISTES are few/rare.

Everything else (I mean the rest of the other crappy stuff Malays call music) is just:
  1. Jiwang tak masuk akal
  2. Jiwang tak habis-habis
  3. Jiwang menjengkelkan
  4. Jiwang punya jiwang
  5. Jiwang punya jiwang pun tak betul-betul jiwang sebab saling meniru.
I like some part of our local music scene but the disliked part is too overwhelming that what I like is negligible. Just like the perubahan/tokokan kecil concept we use in Pembezaan.

That's why I said: "I HATE local music!"

Suddenly I'm reminded of oXYmoroN's post...... just click here.

Almost the weekend

This long depressing week is coming to an end. In my opinion, the results are making me think like I'm back in Form 4.

Anyway, I'm almost done with our class profile. I'm sorry it cannot be done in colour, since some people don't allow it; you know who I'm talking about. I want you all to know, however, that should any other class get their profile done in colour, I want us to raise hell. Why? Because we're 5A, and we should damn well get the best!

Currently, I'm 3 photos short of completing this task, and it looks like it won't be ready for tomorrow. But, that's an excuse I'm gonna use.

1)Do your Physics PEKA III, or at least, get it ready for Monday.
2)Bio perancangan for ubi kentang, due tomorrow.
3)Maths homework, Latihan Pengukuhan, questions 1-8.
4)Add. Maths homework, the questions given to us by Mr. James.
5)English summary.
6)BM oral tomorrow, the three teams slated for tomorrow, you know who you are, so get ready.

Oh, and before I forget, today's Aaron's birthday! So, here it goes...


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Mufti Day Montage

Right, here're the Mufti Day pics; it's long overdue, but here they are. Enjoy!

To start things off, we had a new speaker system installed in each class....

We've got a new speaker system, but it's only for the afternoon session.

Isaac looking like an insurance salesman, or lawyer, or lecturer, or the G-Man.

What's this? Chan dressed up like a, err, teacher?

Ivan, in one of his signature T-shirts. By signature, I mean literally.

A close-up of Ivan's signature T-shirt.

Osama's on Ivan's shirt!

A quick shot of the Physics Lab.

Show off some of those muscles, guys!

Isaac munching on a nugget. Smartly-dressed people don't need to eat lavishly.

Here's a shot of our Biology Lab.

One of those toys you get from those noodle snacks.

Aaron took this pic of Pn. Rosni, and the two Haziqs.

Okay, I don't know who took this, or what this is.

Another picture of the Bio Lab. Looks like Nizam can see the cam.

Here's a little group photo in the Bio Lab. Left to right: Syafiq, Isaac, Javier, Marcus, Haziq S., Jeremy, myself, Pan(almost obscured), Noel, Richard, and David.

Jonathan and Cheng are deep in thought about the perancangan eksperimen.

Aaron becomes a holy man for awhile.

Jonathan gives Aaron some 'advice' not to mess around.

After that, Jonathan gives Joel a slice and a punch.

Joel counters by lifting Jon up.

This is what we do sometimes between periods: arm-wrestle.

And when guys arm-wrestle, a crowd is sure to assemble.

And that concludes my part of the montage; I know David and Jeremy took plenty themselves, so would you care to put yours up?

1)Bio perancangan, way overdue since Monday. Due tomorrow.
2)English summary homework, and the handout homework.
3)I've got about 33/45 photos and about 30/45 profiles. Good work, guys, but I still need 45 of everything.