Right, here're the Mufti Day pics; it's long overdue, but here they are. Enjoy!
To start things off, we had a new speaker system installed in each class....

We've got a new speaker system, but it's only for the afternoon session.

Isaac looking like an insurance salesman, or lawyer, or lecturer, or the G-Man.

What's this? Chan dressed up like a, err, teacher?

Ivan, in one of his signature T-shirts. By signature, I mean literally.

A close-up of Ivan's signature T-shirt.

Osama's on Ivan's shirt!

A quick shot of the Physics Lab.

Show off some of those muscles, guys!

Isaac munching on a nugget. Smartly-dressed people don't need to eat lavishly.

Here's a shot of our Biology Lab.

One of those toys you get from those noodle snacks.

Aaron took this pic of Pn. Rosni, and the two Haziqs.

Okay, I don't know who took this, or what this is.

Another picture of the Bio Lab. Looks like Nizam can see the cam.

Here's a little group photo in the Bio Lab. Left to right: Syafiq, Isaac, Javier, Marcus, Haziq S., Jeremy, myself, Pan(almost obscured), Noel, Richard, and David.

Jonathan and Cheng are deep in thought about the perancangan eksperimen.

Aaron becomes a holy man for awhile.

Jonathan gives Aaron some 'advice' not to mess around.

After that, Jonathan gives Joel a slice and a punch.

Joel counters by lifting Jon up.

This is what we do sometimes between periods: arm-wrestle.

And when guys arm-wrestle, a crowd is sure to assemble.
And that concludes my part of the montage; I know David and Jeremy took plenty themselves, so would you care to put yours up?
1)Bio perancangan, way overdue since Monday. Due tomorrow.
2)English summary homework, and the handout homework.
3)I've got about 33/45 photos and about 30/45 profiles. Good work, guys, but I still need 45 of everything.