Hey, Pictures!!

Hey guys.Just stopping by to say good luck in your SPM and here are some pictures taken on the last day of school.How nostalgic!
Addendum - We don't celebrate it, but still, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! - SJS DM
"Ad Majorem Fraternitas Gloriam"
err add maths extra class when ah?
We're all still busy studying, but let's not forget the birthdays that come.
hey y'all... the hols just started, Raya just ended, SPM still around the corner and i already miss you guys.. really la i miss all the laughing and bullying of teachers...
This blog is becoming very quiet lately.
hey guys.. i've changed the skin and now it's black. i'm sorry but i can't find any good skin that has to do with brotherhood. i found a few with friends but they don't look nice... pretty ugly.. yeah...
To all our Muslim brothers and readers, Selamat Hari Raya! Visiting season again! After that, it's back to cramming.
Yeah, to all our Indian readers, if any. Happy Deepavali. Raya in a few days, guys! Visiting time!
In case you don't have the extracting program to extract the files that were uploaded by our beloved friends, here is the site address....
Here's the part of the project with the semakan using the jadual for the first question and the soalan lanjutan answer. I think its complete (if u add the other one), if its not, IM me tonight, i'll be online (hopefully). Also, i zipped it using .rar so if u cant unzip it, try downloading the program or message me and i'll send it through msn. Haf fun =)
This is just the first part, the Semakan Jawapan and Penerokaan Lanjutan is not yet in.
Looks like we have to do this crap. Anyway, a group of us are planning to release a zip file of the completed project tomorrow(assuming Mr. James is finished with the project template). David'll put up an encrypted zip file of the completed project(you can collect the password from him) tomorrow, and you can download and print and hand it in this Friday.
With the hoo-hah over the controversial school magazine dying down, we must turn our attention to more important things, namely SPM, MT project, and Matriculation registration.
So we've all finally got our long-awaited school magazine. Unfortunately, due to last week's preview, reception was lukewarm, at best. Careful perusal of most of the pages revealed embarrassing typos. Most of us were far from pleased with the misspellings, especially the ones in the 'Clubs & Societies' section. In fact, some names were missing. Proofreading must be a foreign concept to the editors. In fact, we learnt that the Beatles song played during the 'Josephians in Concert' was actually 'Can't Buy Me Love Died'. Who'd have thought?
I want some part of the action here. Insults flying here and there.
Isi terakhir:
Hey, uh..another thing..I found this on the net, thought I'd share it with you guys..
Note: Sorry for the lack of eloquence in this post, guys. I'm rushing to finish it 'cause someone's looking from the back. It's really distracting..-.-"
Right. I can't find #6, but if I can describe this year's magazine in one word, I would say that it's disappointing. I was hoping to find something that could remind me of the good old days that we spent together, but apparently, this year's editors managed to screw everything up. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, especially Samuel, Ee Rong and the other guys, but I can't help it. The main purpose of this post is..well, to "bomb" them. So, there's no way I could've avoided the inevitable. You were the editors, so you guys are responsible for ensuring the contents of the magazine will not create any controversy. Actually, I still have a lot to say, but due to certain restrictions such as time, it's impossible for me to express everything in this post. However, if anyone would like to argue with me (the wakil for the editors, perhaps?) or whatever, I'm always ready..=P
KUCHING,6 Oktober - Satu bencana yang telah meninggalkan sejarah yang amat menusuk di hati berlaku dalam kalangan warga St Joseph,khasnya guru-guru.
Okay, David's done bashing Moral Education. Now let's focus our attention to the school magazine. I would like to post a review of it since it's so serious that it warrants reviewing(especially the sanity of the team involved).
Don't we all love Moral? Where else do we learn that driving Toyotas is unpatriotic compared to someone who drives a Proton? Maybe the government thinks that putting high import taxes is not enough to deter people from buying important cars, so why not label those who don't support Proton as 'unpatriotic'?
And the bombings continue. We're getting an average of 5 explosions a day at various times. Nobody knows where they plant them, the prefects(COUNTER-TERRORISTS) can't stop them in time(or maybe they did, since a lack of explosions either mean they've succeeded, or there wasn't any bombs that day).
Well, our exam has been over for few days and we are facing the exciting moment right now(taking papers back and hoping to see high mark written on the 1st page:)..). Throughout the exam period we faced a hiatus in our blog, and shaun said
Alright, something went totally wrong just now when I edited the experiment blog. I guess I have ti fix it when I can and just wait lah...
Alright guys! I guess it's time to have a change... It's not that im getting sick of this blog skin but it seem to simple and.. and.. and.. simple..........
Finally, I can post these up. I didn't want to do this earlier in case some lazy bum plagiarizes this. Now some parties may indeed say I'm plagiarizing last year's, but I think I've credited 5A '05 adequately in one of the pages.
Mock's over, and that means our hiatus is over too. We'll be getting our school magazine soon, since PMR's just started. Which reminds me, before I go any further, here's to all our Form 3 readers(if any)