Friday, March 31, 2006

April Fool's tomorrow!

Here's an account of today. Pn. Kang's continued absence meant that the substitute teacher(I gotta ask Agan for his name) replaced her with 2 periods. So he got right off the bat and started talking about lyrics, and their significance. And then he went on about James Blunt, Daniel Powter, Natasha Bedingfield, and who-have-yous.

Then he started asking each and every one of us our favourite music genres, and he said that we've a diverse range of musical tastes, compared to the other classes he's 'interviewed'. We now know that Gerald gets his 4-minute torture each morning singing the national and state anthems(except our school rally. Go Gerald!), and we know that Alleem psyches himself up with rap before a competition. Or that Zacky, and Javier aren't really into the local music scene.

After that, everything sort of went downhill. English was all work, but we all know there's more talk and play than work. Then came break, and History. During that, Pn. Nuriya continued with Chapter 4. After History, we went down to the Junior Lab, and Pn. Norhaizah told us all the mistakes we've did in our EST. If you ask me, it's a tad late to warn us before we sat for our paper. The frustration! The day ended with two periods of Add. Maths, and Mr. James had finished marking Bahagian A of our paper. Pan, as usual, got 40/40. Everyone else received 39 and below.

1)I think our BM oral starts on Monday, so we'd better prepare. It's a group presentation; 2-4 people per group.
2)Pn. Rosni asked us to do the perancangan for that kadar air - air kencing experiment. I'm not sure when it's due, but it's probably on Monday.
3)Again, please be reminded that I need your profiles and photos by Monday. I can't finish the pages if you don't give me something to fill it with. I've already got Cavan's and Matthew's pictures; and Cavan's profile. So please get it done this weekend.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Controlled freedom - An oxymoron

Don't we just love being Malaysians? We are probably very lucky that our morality, good values, patriotism etc can be boiled down to "SPM Pendidikan Moral 1A". Looking at Western students, I'm sure they don't have things so easy as to them a person's moral values is based on their character and behaviour.

Isn't it great, all we have to do is memorise a set of 'nilai-nilai moral', some crap about rasuah and score good results in your Moral exams. Get good marks = good student? Hmm, sounds like the truth, but unfortunately not the whole truth and probably nothing like the truth.

Kebebasan Bersuara: Basically talks about we having the freedom to say whatever we want, but with batasan tertentu. In other words, controlled freedom of speech (ironic, oxymoron). Basically sums up our country on the whole: "Don't criticise the government lah, they work so hard to membangunkan negara and mengharumkan imej negara in the international arena..."
The Malaysian Dream? That's open for consideration, if we ever had one (Wawasan 2020 aside). Or, "Better not criticise government hor, later kena ISA lah..."

If there ever was a Razzies for exam subjects, Moral would probably have a clean sweep of all the 'awards' up for grabs. No other subject is as narrow-minded and pointless. Memorising nilai moral to be a better person? Having kempen melukis poster lautan to save the seas? (Oops, i made a mistake there, cannot use kempen, not suitable lar, should use pertandingan.) The list is endless, if anyone has any more examples of mind-boggling, illogical answers for Moral questions, feel free to post your own comments.

Too bad that our sound and fury is signifying nothing at the moment. I look forward to the day when our education system begins to resemble an education system.

Moral is so dense, light bends around it...

Non-Jewish beware!

First of all, I know all of you are keen to see the Mufti Day pictures posted up. Unfortunately, I've been very very busy this whole week, and will be during the weekend, but I can promise you that the pictures will be up next week, earliest by Monday.

As for the 'non-Jewish' warning title, I'm gonna tell you a joke, albeit a rather off-colour one. So you sensitive people, just skip the the end of the post.

A rabbi, and an income-tax collector were at a restaurant. The income-tax collector wondered why the rabbi was so rich, so he asked him, "Your synagogue uses a lot of candles, don't you? What do you do with the wax droppings?" "Well, we collect them all, and we put them in a bag. When it's full, we send it to the candlemaker, and he sends us free candles in exchange, so we save money," answered the rabbi. "Hmm, you use bread for your ceremonies too, don't you? What do you do with the crumbs?" the collector asked. "We do the same thing too, put it in a bag, and give it the the bakery. In exchange we get free bread," replied the rabbi. "He's good," thought the collector. "I must find out where he gets his money," he continued. The collector thought long and hard, and he finally came up with a question that might stump the rabbi. "You circumcise people, don't you? What do you do with the foreskins?" he asked the rabbi. "Hmm, a difficult question. I must think of a clever answer," thought the rabbi. Then he answered the collector, "Well, we do the same thing like the last two; we collect all the foreskins. When the bag is full, we send it to the income tax department. Then they'll send a dick down to check on us."

And now, for reminders:
1)Add. Maths homework, all that Linear Law questions given be Mr. James(Save the last two for tomorrow)
2)I'm still waiting for your profiles and photos. They must be passport-sized. The deadline has been extended to Monday, so please get it done during the weekend.

Food for thought.........

Earlier today, the non-Muslim students (which includes myself) got back their Moral exam papers. Many of us were not very happy with our marks. We asked our teacher Mdm Alice to explain to us why she did give marks for this, did not give marks for that.

She said that she as Ass. Head of Moral Department and Mdm Josephine as Head of Moral Department had already set a standard marking scheme and the exam papers will be marked strictly according to it.

Anything not in the scheme means not accepted i.e. no marks.

A friend of mine said these words to me:
"So, she (Mdm Alice) means that the marking scheme is perfect. For the marking scheme to be perfect, she and Mdm Josephine must be perfect also. Let's say we have a brainstorming session. 40++ students brainstorm for answers together. Mdm Alice and Mdm Josephine also brainstorm. Which group do you think will come with lebih banyak MORE logical i.e. correct answers????"

That was not exactly everything my friend but close enough to the real thing.

So now people...... Think......

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Today started out fine, with Physics, with Ms. Mah continuing with Electromagnetism.
Then we proceeded to English, where we just marked our objective paper, and a couple of other exercises given before the holidays. This is followed by PE, which I'm sure is one of our more favourite periods. The Gym is now an option for PE, as is Tennis.
Maths followed after break, and Pn. Goh continued with Matriks Identiti. After that, there's Add. Maths, but Mr. James has yet to mark most of our papers. BM period was interesting, since Pn. Kang(I assume) went home to prepare for her sister's funeral. We might be a difficult and noisy class, but at least we've still got our humanity. Our condolences to her. So an ex-student(I think), substituted her, and we proceeded to have a rather interesting debate about making our point, and supporting it with evidence. Somehow, for the most part, the Iraq War was shunted aside in favour of the Cold War and World War II. Then there's History, and our first paper received. Unfortunately, 4 people failed to make the 60-mark grade.

That pretty much sums it up for today. Now for reminders:
1)Maths homework, Latihan 4.5b - 1e, 2, 3, and 4
2)Add. Maths homework
3)Please submit your photos and profiles to me BY FRIDAY! Your photos must be quote "presentable" unquote. No sunglasses or headwear such as hats or caps. What good is it if people can't see your face? This is the school magazine I'm talking about. You can take yours either in casual or uniform; I have no objections to that. As for profiles, submit them with these details:

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

A short breath of freedom, and reminders

Okay guys, we've just endured our first exam for the year, there'll be more coming; for now, it's a brief respite.

1)Tomorrow's Bio class is replaced with Physics.
2)We'll probably start seeing how we did with our papers tomorrow.

"I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than disappointed" - Pan Jia Wern.


hey y'all...just to remind all of you.Miss Mah wants our report book by THIS WEEK.So,make sure you finish all your reports (until d.g.e. ... I think).She will deduct some marks from your exam if you failed to hand in your report book.There will be a physic class tomorrow as she will take over Puan Hajjah Rosni's biology period.Darn....

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Good Luck!

I think this is where the blog takes a week-long hiatus. I doubt I'd bother enough to post extra during the exams, unless Javier or Ivan would care enough to fill for me.

I doubt any of you would read this, but, better this is spoken than never.
Good luck everyone!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Mufti Day

Alright! Today's our last Mufti Day for all of us(unless you're taking Form 6). Pn. Kang wasn't present today; apparently her sister had suffered a bad fall, with a cracked skull. Ouch! So we spent her period taking pictures and stuff. Unfortunately, the photo montage will probably come out only after the exams; posting pictures is really time-consuming in my case.

Still, here's a little taste of it.

Oh yeah.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


Now that I've got your attention(HAHA!)

MUFTI DAY TOMORROW!! Don't get caught with your school pants up!

Camera, gotta remember the camera...

Oh, and in case you were wondering, here's Wikipedia's take on Mufti Day.

Mufti also refers to ordinary clothes, especially when worn by one who normally wears, or has long worn, a military or other uniform.

The history of this description comes from the term Mufi to describe an official class of men in India who at that time, interpreted the law. Known throughout India as Muftis', they dressed in civilian attire, unlike many other civil servants of the day. So, when a naval officer shifted out of uniform into civilian clothes to proceed ashore, it was spoken of as shifting into 'mufti'. Source: Royal Australian Navy website [1]

Mufti Day is an event at certain schools in which students are permitted to wear ordinary clothing, instead of the usual school uniform.

Luckily for us, we don't get charged for wearing casual, unlike some other schools.

Oh, and we're supposed to bring our Physics workbook(something Newton) tomorrow. Make sure all your reports are complete, too.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Another birthday

First of all...


And now to reminders.
1)I don't know what's this about Physics, but apparently, we're to finish all pending reports concerning every experiment we've done so far. So, that's a lot if you haven't done anything.

2)Mufti Day on Monday, guys. It's our last, unless you're taking Form 6, which adds two years of casual schooldays.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Just lovin' my administrative powers in this blog.
I did some stuff to the links. Magic of HTML and random searching in the "Help" index.

Bet ya won't notice what I did LOL.

Barbarian cackles!

Muahaha hehehe huhuhuhu hahaha


Well, 13th March has come, and passed, and we see the happy/unhappy faces of those SPM candidates of '05. So, I'd like to congratulate the SJS achievers who made our school proud. Though unfortunately, there's only 4 of them with straight A1s, last I heard. Everyone else mostly ended up with 9A1s and 1A2, in Moral. So, we'll probably hear something about that from Mdm. Alice on Monday.

Anyway, here's those who achieved straight A1s! (I only know of two names, if anyone else can get the other two, my thanks to him)
1)Ian Tang
2)Dwayne Chang
3)Faiq Syamin
4) ?

Keep up with your revision.

Monday, March 13, 2006


If you've received an e-mail from me or anyone else that says something about an Olympic Torch virus thingy. Umm, you should click the word "Link" below.


Sunday, March 12, 2006

Exam reminders

Here's what's coming out in our 1st Examinations.

1)History, Chapters 1-3, Forms 4 and 5
2)Physics, Form 5, Chapters 1 - 2.1. Unsure about Form 4, Chapter 5(Ms. Mah was being vague)
3)Maths, everything until Matrices, I think.
4)Add. Maths, everything we've learnt, possibly until Linear Law.
5)Biology, unsure; some help here would be great.
6)Chemistry, Form 5, Chapters 1-2. I'm not sure about Form 4.
7)Moral, well, just memorize everything; notes, values, definitions, and all.

I doubt you need reminders for BI, BM, or EST.

Note to self: Bring a camera for Mufti Day next next Monday....

Saturday, March 11, 2006

changed skin

Hey guys... I've changed the skin. Wanna have a look? Check out the like in our link box with "EXPERIMENT SITE"



Wednesday, March 08, 2006

More homework

1)Maths, 4.3.3b(2, 3 and 5)
2)EST essay. Due on Friday.
3)Physics 2nd PEKA report. Due TOMORROW.
4)Chemistry reports, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


More homework today

1)Maths, Exercises 4.3.1c(2 & 4); 4.3.1d(4); 4.3.2a(1); 4.3.2b(3); 4.3.2d(2)

And here's the pending assignments

1)Chemistry reports, Experiments 2.3, 2.4, 2.5
2)Physics 2nd PEKA, due Thursday
3)History, those two questions given by teacher
4)Biology, figure out the diagrams for the plant growth hormone

Monday, March 06, 2006


Okay, time for reminders

1)Chemistry reports. 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5
2)Physics 2nd PEKA, due Thursday
3)History, I think, two questions given by teacher.

Saturday, March 04, 2006


i've made a new site just for experimenting...


check it out...

Yeah! Birthday!

I've only one thing to say.


Friday, March 03, 2006

Coxsackie Virus Alert

Just a warning to y'all. One of us just may die of this disease if we're not careful of and sensitive towards our own health.

Here's some info.

Hand, foot, and mouth disease, a type of coxsackie virus syndrome, causes painful red blisters in the throat and on the tongue, gums, inside of the cheeks, and the palms of hands and soles of the feet.

Herpangina, a coxsackie virus infection of the throat, causes red-ringed blisters and ulcers on the tonsils and soft palate, the fleshy back portion of the roof of the mouth.

Pleurodynia (also called Bornholm disease) is a related coxsackie virus infection that causes painful spasms in the muscles of the chest and upper abdomen. Boys with pleurodynia may also have pain in the testicles beginning about 2 weeks after the chest pain starts.

Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis is an infection that affects the whites of the eyes. Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis usually starts out as eye pain and is suddenly followed by red, watery eyes, swelling, light sensitivity, and blurry vision.

There is no vaccine to prevent coxsackie virus infection. Hand washing is the best prevention. Remind the members of your family to wash their hands frequently, particularly after using the toilet (especially those in public places), after changing a diaper, before meals, and before preparing food. Shared toys in child-care centers should be routinely cleaned with a disinfectant because the virus can live on these objects for days.

Children who are sick with a coxsackie virus should be kept out of school or child care for a few days to avoid spreading the infection.

If you don't feel too good, better drop by at the hospital.
Concerned frater, Javier.