Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Hands For Change

On 27th May, St. Joseph's was proud to host the 3rd Regional La Sallian Convention. What is it? Is it a camp? Is it a seminar? Is it a school-sponsored event? Well, it's a little of everything, and in due time, you will know.

DISCLAIMER: This is a very, very, very, very long post. So grab a drink, some snacks, and enjoy reading!

The convention was held from 27th May to 30th May. We had about 48 delegates from all areas of the school student body, from Form 1, all the way up to Upper 6; Organizing Team(OT) not included. Altogether, we had about 80 or so people present during these 4 fun-filled days. Among those of our brotherhood present at the convention were Gerald Sim, Cavan Chai, and Mohd. Fahri. Other brothers present but in the OT were Jardian Tay, Agan Balangalibun, Noel Tay, Jeremy Bakri, Muhd. Afiq and Haziq Maslan, Mohd. Syafiq, and not forgetting myself. We also were honoured that OTs from La Salle Centre, Ipoh came all the way down to Kuching, Sarawak, to help out with the preparations. They were: Vinesh(everyone's favourite), Isaac, Jit-Vern, Ai Huey, and Cheryl. We had great fun planning the activities(for the OTs), as well as enjoying them(delegates and OTs alike). Let me break down the 4 days.


Registration at 1pm. We had delegates checking in until 2pm, and surprisingly, all 48 delegates turned up, aside from Alleem, the 49th, because he had to leave for KL on Monday. Then everyone proceeded to the Tan Sri William Auditorium, where the OTs gave the delegates a warm welcome. Then we had icebreaking. I can certainly say everyone had fun, especially during the game 'Crossing the Red Sea'. Later, Adam gave everyone the house rules after everyone calmed down. A tea-break followed afterwards. After that, Isaac asked everyone to submit in an expectation check, which is basically what asking the delegates what they expect to learn from this convention. Later, at 5 pm, the delegates were asked to participate in the 1st Games Session. Day 1's Games Session was focused on Station Games, which meant that each two groups will play one game in a set time limit before moving on to another. There were four games and 8 groups, so we all had about 1 hour's time to enjoy it. After that, the delegates were given the liberty to have a shower and relax before dinner at 7:15pm. At about 8, we had our first sing-a-long out of many, which understandably, the delegates were reluctant to sing with so many people around, followed by session 1, "School Realities", where delegates were asked to identify the problems in their school, as well as dilemma-based questions. After that, the delegates were taught on how to do reflections, which is to think back about their actions throughout the day, followed by supper, then bedtime at 11pm.


Day 2 started at 7:45am with a wake-up call, after which the delegates had about an hour to brush their teeth, take a shower, etc before breakfast. At 8:45am, we had our 2nd sing-a-long, and everyone was still warming up to singing along, followed by session 2, "Action Planning", which continued last night's session by asking the delegates to brainstorm a solution to one of the school problems identified the night before. A short tea-break at 10:30am, then session 3, "Spirituality". The delegates were introduced on the four main components of a human: Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual. One of the Ipoh OTs, Ai Huey, led the 3rd session by introducing the concept of spirituality to the delegates. At 12:30pm, the delegates had lunch, until 2pm, where their broke into two large groups to attend two Creative Workshops: Drama, and Sound. In Drama, the delegates learn to act out a scene spontaneously, play with props, and dance whereas in Sound, delegates were taught to use ordinary items to replicate sounds heard in everyday situations, such as a construction site. Later, after another break at 4.m, we had the 2nd Games Session, and this time, they were Relay Games, meaning to say, it was a race to see who would finish first. The delegates were split into 6 groups, and from the looks of it, everyone had a lot of fun, however tiring it was. Then everyone had the chance to freshen up with a bath at 6pm, then dinner at 7pm. At 8pm, we had our third sing-a-long, followed by session 4, which I believe was the centerpiece of the entire convention, as delegates were treated to a play about the La Sallian Heritage.

Now I will explain to you what the La Sallian Convention is about. The play is about a man, Jean Baptist de La Salle, a canon who lived in France. He was from a well-to-do family, but he was disturbed by the stratified society in France, where the rich stayed rich, and the poor stayed poor, and the poor had no education. He eventually realized his calling in life to provide education for the poor, but he faced a lot of hardships. La Salle, along with his friend Adrian Nyel, started a school for the poor, but no one was willing to teach the poor children. Desperate, they took drunkards to be teachers, and La Salle even let them live in his estate, to the dismay of his family. Eventually, his siblings gave him an ultimatum: either the drunkards leave, or they will. La Salle gave in and left the house with the drunkards. That was a blow to him, because he lost his family at that point. The drunkards later abandoned him because of his seemingly mad goal to provide education to the poor. He even gave away all of his material wealth to the poor in an effort to help them; so devoted was he to his dream. Eventually La Salle had schools in Paris itself, but that was not the end of his troubles, for the Parisian court, receiving complaints from headmasters of other schools due to the popularity of La Sallian schools, ordered all La Sallian schools to be closed down/disbanded. After facing hardship after hardship, La Salle finally sought aid from God, and(in my own opinion, the most touching part of the play) it came, in the form of people who devoted themselves to his cause, and they were known as the Brothers(no, not this brotherhood). They helped him re-start his dream of educating the poor, but La Salle left to live as a hermit in Parmony(I'll fix the spelling later), but after a few years, a visit from one of the brothers told him that his help was needed again to minister the schools, to which La Salle agreed, and he served the community by providing the poor with education until his death in 1719. However, his legacy lived on, and there are La Sallian schools all across the globe, in about 80 countries, and 16 La Sallian schools exist in Malaysia, which St. Joseph's, Kuching is proud to be one of the ONLY two schools in Sarawak that bear the La Sallian Heritage; the other school is Sacred Heart, Miri, but they did not attend this year's regional convention. So, are we proud to that St. Joseph's, Kuching bears the La Sallian Heritage, now that you know why?

After the play, the delegates continued Session 4, "La Salle and I", with a summary of the play, as well as to identify the key traits in La Salle, along with their comments on the play itself. Then we had another reflection period, supper, and bedtime at 11pm.


Wow, the days go by so quickly! Another wake-up call at 7:15am, followed by a reflection period, then breakfast at 8am. Then, at 8:45am, we had our 4th sing-a-long session, follewed by session 5, "Servant Leadership", where delegates learnt leadership by example, teamwork, and co-operation through games. Then we had a tea-break at 10:30am, followed by session 6, which continued on session 5. After lunch at 12:30am, the delegates were again split into 6 groups to prepare for the night's presentation at 2pm. After a short break at 3pm, Isaac led the delegates through a mega summary of the entire convention's activities thus far. Then, at 4:30pm, the delegates had free time to continue planning out their presentations for the night, followed by a shower, then dinner at 7pm. At 8pm, each group presented their short play on whatever they wished, preferably on what they learnt during the last two days. After the 6 groups were done, we were all treated to a special play by the OTs, led by the producers of 'Phizer King'(a presentation in the 1st Regional La Sallian Convention), Kevin Sia and Ambia Lim. They presented a very, very hilarious play, titled, "Brokeback La Salle". No, it isn't gay or anything, despite the numerous sexual puns and references. The gist of it was, La Salle, played by Agan, broke his back at the end of the play, hence the title, "Brokeback La Salle", after being thrown off a horse. Thumbs up to everyone who presented, especially the OTs who did a great job closing the presentations with a bang. Then, at 9pm, everyone was treated to the closing ceremony, where Mr. Pan himself came to attend and to give a short speech. Then everyone watched a montage of photos of the past days, and it was really touching indeed, but it wasn't all tears, because there were hilarious moments. Then we had a hand-printing session as a symbolic act on the La Sallian Banner(it travelled the whole of Malaysia, and Sarawak is proud to be the last stop for the banner); the theme of this year's convention fit perfectly into it: Hands for Change. After that, we had one last, huge, sing-a-long. We sang about 6 songs, and everyone was waving and holding hands etc. Talk about bonding! There wasn't any curfew that night, since it was the last night, so everyone was given the chance to stay up until 6am.


The Final Day. Everyone reluctantly woke up, because a lot of us slept at 4am, or even not at all. So, bleary-eyed, we had breakfast at 8:20am, then it was an evaluation of the entire convention, where delegates gave their comments on the entire convention. Then everyone collected and packed their stuff, and we began OCNS, or Operation: Clean N' Shine at 10am. Everyone chipped in, from the OTs to the delegates, to clean up the entire school. After that, at about 11am, the 3rd Regional La Sallian Convention was officially over, and everyone(actually, except the OTs, we had an evaluation meeting that I don't need to tell you) left with bittersweet feelings, mostly sad ones. At least we know the convention was good enough that everyone wished it lasted forever(until the clothes run out).

All in all, it was a blast, because everyone present became exposed to what being a La Sallian was: and that is, to serve the community, and to lead by example.

I won't post any pictures up, since I personally took 430 photos during the 4-day event, and there're about 1000+ pictures to sift through once I get the DVD copy of the convention after the holidays. I'll put up the closing ceremony video montage when I get the DVD, however, so be patient.

Now you all aren't just Josephians; You're La Sallians!!

Saturday, May 27, 2006


Today may be a rainy day,but it was a good day for 4 of us(Richard,Matthew,Javier and I)We've joined astroinvention competition today which was held at Planetarium Sultan Iskandar,Civic Centre.St Joseph sent 4 teams which consists of 4 students in each team and each SJS team did not go back with empty handed.Before I proceed to the good news,let me just brief what was all about the competition

Many might think that Astroinvention was organized by ASTRO.Actually,it's not whereas was organized by Sarawak Astronomy Research(SAR) [if I'm not mistaken].This competition was started since 2003.Since many students and teachers are very keen to join this competition,the SAR team has come out with variety of categories besides invention.The competitions were Sub-orbital spacecraft invention , Astrohunt,Astrodraw and Astroquiz.

Among the schools which signed up for the competition are SMK Batu Lintang,SMK Dato Patinggi Haji Abdul Gapor,SMK Matang Hilir,SMK Chung Hua (don't know which one), and SMK Agama Tun Ahmad Zaidi Adruce.SMK Matang Hilir has sent around 30+ students to join the competition whereas others (including SJS) send around 15+ students.

Richard,Matthew , Javier and I joined the invention category.We were provided with a manila card,selotape,a short string,an egg and 40 straws.Mr Chong got a little bit furious because no scissors were provided for the competition.I do agree with Mr Chong because we were not told to bring anything for the competition.In the end,Mr Chong willingly drove his car to the school just to borrow scissors.Withour the scissors,I wonder how are we going to do and finish our invention within the time given.

All 4 of us planned really hard on the invention.Richard,Matthew and Javier were discussing about the plan whereby I was just bluring away and helped to get ready with all the stuff like cutting selotape,cut the manila card,bending the straws etc etc.3 of them were discussing on constructing the space craft with all the physic principle and concept.Like what Miss Mah said "actually physic is very easy,you just need to understand the principle and concept".Each of us were given 4 hours 15 minutes to invent the space craft.When each of us were busy doing our own task,Javier accidentally broke the egg....AHHH!!!...Die lo die lo...In the end,there's this SAR guy helped us by replacing the egg with a new one.He even told us to keep quiet and not letting people know about it.IT'S CHEATING!!...but who cares.Maybe luck was on our side.

We spend the whole 4 hours,15 minutes constructing the space craft.We sacrified our lunch break just to finish the task.After the time was up,we were asked to proceed to the ground floor whereby leader from each group was asked to go to the first floor with the invention.Many group invented very nice in the outside,but not in the inside.Ours was different.Bad on the outside,but excellent in the inside.Most group broke their egg after throwing their invention.Unfortunately for us as well,our egg just had a small crack at the side.Darnt...I do not know whether we were penalized or not....but in the end,we got a consolation prize for our hardwork.

- 2 teams from SJS won consotaltion prize which was a small hamper

- 2 teams from SJS were in the top 5 and won a small hamper

- A student from 4A,Muhd Zul'Rifhan won 2nd place for the quiz

And the end of the ceremony,there were 5 more prizes to be given out.Basically,to make it fast,we were just given a quiz.I manage to answer one of the quiz and won another hamper.All thanks to Javier for telling me the answer(hahahahahhaha....)....I think that's about it for the competition.It was a fun experience and this planetarium was the 1st one in Malaysia.Ooohhh...I think not many people realize that.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Holidays start....NOW!

S'yeah. Two weeks of studying and preparation, mixed in with some fun. I know X3 is coming out, then some of you might want to catch 'The Da Vinci Code', maybe watch MI: 3. So some nice movies to catch during this two-week hiatus from school.

However, we're not out of the woods yet; SPM is less than 6 months 'round the corner, and like Pn. Kang said, this is our last chance to catch up on whatever we've missed last year. Plus the homework we have to do.

1)Kimia folio, just fill in the blanks in the handout provided. Also we need to do two reports on two experiments in Chapter 5, Form 5, as well as list down traditional medicines and the side effects. That, or it's modern medicines; someone please clarify this
2)Maths handout homework
3)Time to start prepping up for SPM
4)All work and no play makes dull people out of everyone, so drink some tuak during Gawai to send away the blues.

Oh, and since I won't be around to do my part to wish Ivan a happy birthday(it's this Monday), because I'll still be at school attending the La Sallian Convention, I'll do it now.


All my homies/brothers out there, happy holidays!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

2 days left...

Although it's just 2 days before we all can have our Semester Break, everyone seem to be in holiday mood. Yeah, I guess we all just can't wait for the 12pm bell tomorrow. I want to be out of the class early! No hanging around... It'll be great if we can have holiday every month.. And I don't mean weekend holidays, a week in each month will do for me.

Today's class, hmm... fun-filled! Especially for me... I bet Shaun, Marcus and Chan knows why... Haha... I just can't stop laughing. Sorry Chan! I just like to kacau you mah...

Hmm... it all happened during Moral period. I started to kacau Chan and he also kacau me back lah. Fair.. I don't mind anyway, cause I'm used to get kacau by him... But all of a sudden, he was kinda "had enough of it". He got up and changed his seat. I was sitting behind him during Moral, so he changed to Asyraf's seat - which has chocolate stain on it after some of Asyraf's ice-cream drip on it. Well, Cheng told Chan not to seat there but being Chan, he just sit lah. Then, I think I don't need to continue on lah... I'm sure you all knows what happen next. In case you wanna imagine how it looks like... The stain was in the middle of his pants and over the crack of his ass... LoL!

*Laugh* Ok lah... Chan, I just wanna kacau you... not more than that and I didn't know that would happen. Pity Chan... All the misfortunes he faced...

Anyway... now, Mr. Joel Bong. *eish... I just hope he doesn't visit this blog... LoL* Most of us, think he's gay (homosexual). And as always, the head of our class (Monitor... the freakier one..) comes up with all these weird things.

a) (Freaky Monitor) Wants a handshake... and while shaking hands, he tickle your hand while saying "Hi, I'm Joel Bong. I'll be teaching you English"... And with a rather gay look...

b) (Guy with chocolate stain on his ass) Imahine he puts his hands around your neckk while your doing your work. Then starts to slowly moves his arm up and down, round and round... It's hard to imagine though, unless someone can demonstrates.

c) (Same guy with chocolate ass) Joel drops his pen on your pants and then bends down, wanna take his pen, "Oh, I'm sorry... Let me take my pen..."

d) (Joel.. class-mate) "Hi Joel. I heard you went to Japan for student exchange program. What happen to you? Did you lost your balls?"

e) (Me) Joel sits beside you (a guy) in a bus. Suddenly he puts his hand on your lap and said "Hey! You're in my English class right?" While moving his hand closer to your body... *eeeiiiiiuuuuu... GET HIM OFF!!!!*

Ok... Enough of that crap. This what happens if guys see soemone who's gay looking and faggot acting. So, guys out there... In case one of this class students happen to be your friend, careful... We might think you're gay! LoL!! Haha... I obviously crap too much at times. What to do?! I don't have anything else to post about... But I wanna post something so, I guess this is cool..

Anyways, I'm sure none of us really mean what we say about our "special" English teacher. It's just a joke that we all share together.. That's why this is the Brotherhood!

Hmm... I think I better change my display name. Surely I wouldn't want anyone to know who posted this unless you know who I am.

P/S: Shaun, if you think this is quite offending... You can delete it but only this Sunday!!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Another pissed-off teacher today, Pn. Rosni finally couldn't take it, and we were ordered back to our classes about 5 minutes before the bell rang. Nuts. The last teacher we(actually it was the other classes, but let's not point hands) pissed off was Pn. Josephine Lee, during that Moral seminar. The photoshoots still underway, we had people leaving classes to pose for their respective clubs.

1)Chemistry reports, to be handed in THIS FRIDAY. Yeah, I counted about 9 reports ever since I passed up my book.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Holidays approaching

That still doesn't mean we're free from homework, and homework we have, plenty of it too. Today we finally had Mr. Joel Bong to fill in for Pn. Pung, who is on maternity leave for two months. Aside from that, we had our MT test today, the last of monthly tests. Boy, was that difficult!

1)Chemistry reports, to be handed in THIS FRIDAY. EVERYTHING since the beginning of the year, or since the last time she marked them. So for you guys with 7, 8, 9, 10 reports, I'm sorry to say, you're gonna be neck-deep in work.
2)History handout homework.
3)NO MATHS TOMORROW. Two periods of MT instead. David suggests we 'rondeng' with Mr. James to take PE as MT, and take the two MT periods for PE. I doubt it'll work, but we won't know if we don't try, eh?

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Election results

Well,I think some of us are glad with the results.However some of us might feel it's a big shock.So,here are the results for Kuching area.

Batu Lintang : DAP won

Pending : DAP won

Padungan : Keadilan won

Batu Kawah : Barisan Nasional won

Kota Sentosa : DAP won

Satok : Barisan Nasional

Pantai Damai : Barisan Nasional

Semariang : Barisan Nasional

Well,it seems that DAP has influenced most people in Kuching through their propaganda.We'll just see what happen especially oil prices and development.Let's just hope DAP will really keep their words that they will bring better life for the people.

Overall,BN won the state election


1)EST test on Monday
2)Add maths test on Tuesday
3)Physic report
4)Chemistry project on chapter 5

Friday, May 19, 2006

Elections! Cast your votes!

Election day tomorrow. I don't know how many of your parents are voting; politics being such a touchy topic among racism and religion in the country, so I won't go into details, but I'll say this, "We need people who won't screw up the country any further for their own benefit."

1)History handout homework
2)A truckload of Chemistry exercises, not to mention that little assignment that's due after the holidays on Chapter 5
3)Add. Maths test on Tuesday, Pengamiran, Pembezaan, and Hukum Linear
4)EST test on Monday
5)Pay up for your T-shirt! I'm not extorting you for Fahri and Ivan, I'm doing this so that you don't start bitching about why didn't you receive a shirt of your own when everyone else receives theirs. It's RM10.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Surprise Test

The year sure passes by fast. About 180 days to SPM, after that, I bet we're mostly going to be directionless. Well, everyone's problems to themselves.

A surprise Maths test today, as announced by Joel, much to the dismay of everyone. I think David said, 'WTF!?' quite audibly, but who cared; no teacher was around to hear that. No English period; Mr. Joel Bong was nowhere to be found. And no History lesson. Basically two free periods blown on doing useless stuff.

Ivan's still carrying on about the year-end-party. In case any of you were wondering what it's about, I'll summarize it up. This party's gonna take place sometime in mid-to-end of December(from 12th to 19th). It'll be two days and one night, at either Damai Beach, or Lagoon. Everything's still in the planning stage, so what I'm posting here might not be valid two weeks or a month from now. Apparently there are ideas to combine both the St. Teresa Prom with this, and making it into some huge bash. So, we need some liaising to be done with our counterparts across the road.

1)Chemistry homework, a load of it, along with some report we're supposed to be doing on Chapter 5, deadline's after the holidays
2)Add. Maths test this Friday. Pengamiran, Pembezaan, and Hukum Linear
3)The deadline for our T-shirt deposit collection is due tomorrow. We've got 33 guys in on this. Anyone who hasn't fronted up the cash, sorry, you'll have to figure out how to get your T-shirt after tomorrow
4)History handout homework
5)We're resitting our BM test this Friday. Rumusan.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Teacher's Day

Ah, our last Teacher's Day for secondary school. It was pretty good. But before I get to it, one noteworthy point from yesterday(I couldn't access Blogger yesterday): Syed Hafiz was busted eating pastry by Pn. Kang. It was so hilarious!

Back to Teacher's Day. Let's see, what were we treated to? Well, it started out with 'Negaraku', followed by prayers, then some teachers did a choir, then some bands performed('I Will Survive; Can't Take My Eyes Off You; Eye of the Tiger), a lot more singing; En. Adam and En. Tony went up to sing. That drove the whole stadium crazy when teachers and students alike gave them flowers and certificates(?).

Then we had the usual ethnic dance by the Cultural Club. So, yeah, pondans dancing. Then a song here, and a song there. After that, we had a performance by the 4th best band in the country, and finally I could hear 'Saving Metroville' performed in full by them. Oh, that song will win them the state championship, hands down, and it's another trip to the Peninsular for the National levels. With that, they closed the entire celebration with our school rally.

A photo montage will be up soon from some of our brothers who were there to cover the event.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day

I'm back from my self-imposed 'exile'. Even though I didn't do much posting, except in terms of comments, I can see that some of you put up some effort to carry on my work. Thank you Chan for filling in for me to put up reminders. I'll take back my post now as 'Mother Hen' of this class, thankless as it may be.

Who the hell is shithead? Whatever, people like him, they create crap in the SayBox for us to talk about, so I'm letting you slide this time, until everyone else clamours for me to ban you.

Oh, it's Cheng's birthday today.


How nice, on Mother's Day too. I hope y'all have a good time celebrating it with your mothers, because they don't live forever, you know.

1)Bio test tomorrow, Chapters 2 & 3, Form 5
2)Maths test, NEXT week
3)Add Maths test, Friday; Differentiation, Integration, and Linear Law
4)A hell lot of Chemistry homework to be done
5)It wouldn't do to have half the class wearing our own class t-shirts while the rest don't, so please pay your deposit of RM10 to Ivan/Fahri by Tuesday.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Erm, guys, contrary to what Chan posted, the Physics test will be held in our CLASSROOM, NOT in the AVA room, according to Miss Mah this fine morn. So don't get your locations mixed up on Saturday, alright?
Right, and Teacher's Day is coming up on Tuesday, so that's a day off work for us, and thumbs up to all those who will be performing.....


another day ....

Hi everyone.It's been quite long for me not writing any post in the class blog.Oh well,let's just cut the chase.

Today was interesting.This was the first time students had fun during a talk on "teknik menjawab soalan soalan Bahasa Malaysia".I personally also thinks that Mr Roslan(the speaker) is an interesting person.Unfortunately,a little bit of saliva being spit out whenever he gives the talk.Hahhaa...bak kata pepatah,sediakan payung sebelum "hujan".
The talk ended around 11.15 am and Madam Alice came into the class for 15 minutes.Obviously she can't teach moral within 15 minutes.Besides,same thing happens to Ustazah Mona.By the time the Muslim students reached the physic lab,10 minutes being wasted.So,what's the point?Hmmm....After that,we proceed to the chemistry laboratory for some revision exercise.Thus,Madam Voon announced the marks for our chemistry test and Matthew got the highest mark ( 95 )...aduh!So,I guess that's all for today.

1)Physic test on Saturday ( 7.30 to 9am) at AVA room.Please study chapter 2
2)I think add maths test falls on next Friday
3)Moral test next Thursday.We will be tested on definition.
4)Biology test on Monday.Please study chapter 2 and chapter 3
5)I'm not really sure about maths test.She just kept changing the date

I think that's all for reminders.I wonder when will be an English and EST test.
So,Madam Pung will not be here( I think) next week because of preagnency.So,Mr Joel Bong will take over her place for the time being.Pray for Madam Pung!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Paying the price

Okay guys, this will be my last post until I see fit to post again, which could be either be until tomorrow, or until one month. Preliminary guesses is three days of repentance for all of you, then I'll resume back to my duties.

Let's have you taste some of your own medicine: laziness.

No reminders from me for awhile; if any of you are willing to take up the thankless job, be my guest. Perhaps that will instill some sense of responsibility from everyone.

This hurts me just as much as it's gonna hurt you, maybe a lot more, maybe a lot less.

If you can be lazy, I can be lazy TOO! Have fun!

My post hiatus starts here.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I owe everyone in the class an apology. So, i'm sorry.
(I still don't feel that that's enough.)

At 9.30++pm on Sunday, 7 May 2006, I visited this website. I read Shaun's post on reminders. I realised that there were a few mistakes.

But, I had to be my lazy self and assumed everyone else:
  1. knew about the correct dates, etc.
  2. was being good by studying, and thus not online, and unable to visit the class blog.
I really really thought Point no.2 was really really the real thing happening. So, i thought, if correct the mistakes now, would anyone see the correction before it's too late????

Would it be fair if those "naughty" ones find out but those "good" ones don't?
My answer at that time was 'no'. At the time, I also remembered a friend's words: "The mentality here is, when one suffers, we all suffer".

I thought: "Should I just shut up or make some noise?"

I chose the former.

Guess now i realise that my actions are selfish. I'm sorry everyone.

I've been really "quiet" and "hostile" lately. That's not because of Shaun's scolding me. I deserved it, and i'm sorry again Shaun, i'm sorry everyone.

It was because I was ashamed of myself. I promise I'll try to think more of others first before I do anything.

I hope you all will accept my apology.

Monday, May 08, 2006


Okay, turns out the last post's reminders were riddled with errors. Before I rectify them, I want to speak out my mind on this.

This blog is NOT a one-man job. True, I started this based on what Pan suggested, but have you forgotten that you're all part of it and thus are responsible for maintaining it as well? I hope to see more contribution to this. At least Ivan and Fahri are doing their part offline, but what about the rest of you?

Turns out a whole lot of people have seen the reminders and had not bothered to correct them, or even doubt their veracity. Just because MOST of my reminders are correct, doesn't mean they're ALWAYS correct. Otherwise why would Chan and Gerald add or correct previous reminders? However, this diligence seems to have diminished, since I've received complaints questioning the veracity of the reminders. When I asked them why didn't they voice out their doubts, I either received a 'Didn't know it was wrong', which was acceptable, but not this excuse, 'Too lazy to point it out'. Oh YEAH! Too lazy to point it out, eh? What happens if I eventually become too lazy to post reminders? I doubt any of you are willing to pick up the slack. Some of you might think, 'Shaun's being a publicity bitch', and to that, I say, BULLSHIT! Why the hell would I want publicity for myself? What I want is publicity for OUR blog. I want the trust you put in me when I post up reminders to be well earned by me, not blindly invested.

Reminder Corrections:
1)Bio test NEXT MONDAY, Chapters 2 & 3.
2)BM test continues either tomorrow or on Wednesday
3)Finish up your MT homework
4)Maths test is apparently NEXT WEEK, and not tomorrow
5)Matthew says we have to hand in our Chemistry PEKA tomorrow(I received this at 10:35pm)

Friday, May 05, 2006

Prefects telematch 0'6

Co-organized a telematch with st teresa's prefect board the other day. Joyful lasses they are. twas a whole load of fun actually. check out some of the cool games we played..

there was...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
water volleyball!

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the triangle of doom!

and after a long hot day of running around station to station, what better way to cool of than to play..

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thawing the coin!

overall was quite a success. finished it off with a water balloon free for all. Haziq being the punk he is started picking on all the weak litle ones running for cover. soaked em good didnt you haziq. :(

Welcome to the Brotherhood

Aha! So long didn't post here...

Ok guys! Just as a REMINDER:

1. Class T-Shirt cost RM20, deposit RM10
2. Your desired name for the t-shirt
3. Your forst 6 digits of your MyKad or IC
4. We need by next weee Monday or Tuesday

I hope you'll pay attention to what I posted here and please do what are needed to be done.


Feeling oppressed yet?

I don't know whether you guys are feeling it, but personally, the days seem to be dragging on and on, with the end nowhere in sight. I'll elaborate: What do you guys feel like every English period? I mean, sure, we get to talk (a lot), but deep down, do any of you get the idea you're not learning anything anymore? With Pn. Pung's current physical situation, it's pretty understandable, but if you ask me, it's still oppressive. Another example is Maths. I'm beginning to get fed up of hearing, "Can you please keep quiet!?" Cut us some slack! Even if we shut our traps, we can't copy things as fast as they're appearing on the board. I'd deign to wonder if we scribbled on the graphs, she'd complain if she saw it. I like what one teacher(name undisclosed for privacy) said about such teachers, "If students don't talk, then they're not students; You can't help it."

Anyway, next week's chock full of seminars. Well, only two, but they're gonna take up plenty of time. Here's the reminders for the week:
1)Chemistry PEKA on MONDAY(Experiment 4.3). AFTER school, in the Chem. Lab from 12:45pm - 1:15pm. We STILL have EST after this, mind you!(looks like we're gonna miss lunch)
2)BM Essay, way overdue since Tuesday
3)English handout
4)EST handout
5)MT exercises from that handout Mr. James gave us
6)Ivan and Fahri still need RM10 from all of you for the T-shirt deposit. We'll pay the balance when we receive the T-shirts by the end of this month(if you guys don't co-operate, it might take longer); Collared T-shirts are RM22, Non-collared, RM20
7)Biology Test on MONDAY, Chapters 1 & 2, Form 5
8)Physics Test on SATURDAY(not this week), Chapter 2
9)Maths Test, probably on TUESDAY, everything until Ubahan
10)BM Test on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, Tatabahasa and Drama
11)A mountain of Chemistry homework, deadline unknown; Aktiviti 4.9; Latihan 4.2; Aktviti 4.11; Latihan 4.3; Do EVERY single question

"Everybody just hold on...!" - Smashmouth - Hang On

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Another cool plan that went down the drain..

Hey guys..

Welp, I guess performing for the Teacher's Day became just another plan. Apparently, we discussed about it at the eleventh hour. So, yeah..consequently, there won't be any singing for us 5A boys. There, I said it.

Maybe someone can come up with plan B, perhaps? Something even more memorable?


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Another day

Hmm, this post is supposed to be up yesterday, but it seems that Blogger's down for maintenance of some sort. I tried putting the poll up, but it doesn't seem to work either.

Anyway, it was Syafiq's birthday on the 2nd, so...


Anyway, reminders
1)History test next week, Form 4, Chapter 4; Form 5, Chapter 5
2)Moral test tomorrow, two/three structure questions
3)Biology test on MONDAY, Chapters 2 and 3, Form 5
4)Maths, Latihan 6.1b, 3b; 6.2c, 1, 3 & 4; 6.2d, 1 - 4
5)We need to front up RM10 EACH for our class T-shirt deposit.
6)History exercises
7)Moral Essay

Monday, May 01, 2006

Making A Difference

Just following up on jwern's post a few weeks back...

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints; we spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy it less.

We have bigger houses, but smaller families; more conveniences, but less time; we have more degrees, but less sense; more knowledge, but less judgement; more experts, but more problems; more medicine, but less wellness.

We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.

We have learned how to make a living, but not a life; we’ve added years to our life, but not life to our years.

We’ve been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbour. We’ve conquered outer space, but not inner space; we’ve cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul; we’ve split the atom, but not our prejudice.

We have higher incomes, but lower morals; we’ve become long on quantity, but short on quality.

These are times of tall men, and short character; steep profits, and shallow relationships. These are times of world peace, but domestic warfare; more leisure, but less fun; more kinds of food, but less nutrition. These are the days of double incomes, but more divorce; fancier houses, but broken homes.

It is a time when there is much in the show window, but nothing in the stockroom; a time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose to either make a difference… or just close your browser.

Penned by a Columbine High School student just after the mass shootings there. Life is a paradox, an oxymoron...