A birthday shoutout!!
Today is 23rd January and it's someone's birthday!!!....Let's wish Ian Happy 18th birthday.May God bless you always,Ian.
"Ad Majorem Fraternitas Gloriam"
Today is 23rd January and it's someone's birthday!!!....Let's wish Ian Happy 18th birthday.May God bless you always,Ian.
What's up, brothers!! I'm posting a slideshow of the pictures I took last year in this order :
Not muchlah, just 46 photos. Sorry if the captions hurt anybody's feelings in any way and/or are cheesy/ not funny. You can zoom in by right-clicking the slideshow and press the Zoom in button though. And since the Internet is still acting up, give me a shout if you can't view the photos, maybe I'll post them without the program.
Another time, then. Later, bros!
Wow! It's not only been a long time since my last post here, it's also been a long time since I visited this site. Hahahaha!!~ I'm terrible isn't it? Well... The least I could do now is this and it's partially my job now (before I leave, maybe) to put these important things up. I do hope you all do your part in keeping the site alive too (not is the SayBox only!). For your information, our site has no limit to its post unlike certain blog where your get to post to a maximum of 999 days... SO, make use of the advantage that our blog was set... Don't change it though...
An attempt to revive the dead blog. Clear! *shock*
Isaac,I'm so sorry for doing this very late.I totally forgot about it.It somehow popped into my mind saying " Oh my goodness...the class yearbook".Sorry yea!
Hey,today is 11th January and someone has turned 18 years old.Let's just wish someone who filled the class with laughter and joy,especially what he did to Madam Kang.There's the trademark!!!Not every student dares to do that to her.Who am I talking about?It's the one and only Isaac Lawai Langat.
I'm back!! Hahaha... Well.. The first of many to come eh?
The blog is bagaikan embun di hujung tanduk.It's leading to extinction! Hampir pupus!....blah blah blah...whatever...CORRECT???????...YESSSS????....IAITU HA....KEMORARAN.....OK,do you understand k?...ZERO MARKS!!.....CLASS PLEASE KEEP QUIET....IF YOU DIDN'T MAKE ANY CHOICE IN THE FIRST PARAGRAPH,STRAIGHT AWAY YOU GET 4/30 AUTOMATICALLY....BETULKAN???.....
As the sword slips through his thin chain-mail shirt and pierces his lung, the Captain gasped for air. He quickly beheaded his enemy and cursed as he kicked the headless body away. Slowly, he sunk to his knees and started to cough blood. His men rush to him.
Yay! I finally upgraded to the new version. =)
I'm sure most of us have our futures planned. Maybe some of us are leaving soon. I, for one, am leaving for Perak around 14 January (give or take 2 days).