Welcome to the Brotherhood
"Ad Majorem Fraternitas Gloriam"
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
What Jon does when you're not looking
Never let Jon drive you around.... Seriously!
This is why... =P
This is the self-proclaimed "safest driver"....
*sigh* Jon, jon...
p.s. if you look closely, towards the last few seconds, you can see Jon saying "OH SHIT!"
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Silence Is Loud
Sometime, a little time alone in the corner makes me think that I'm one of those who are considered lucky in this life. No matter all those mishap that happen or whatever, I'm still alive and living this my life.
It makes me feel sad for those who lost their family member(s) and victims of the Virginia Tech shooting..
To show that we at least support OneDayBlogSilence, I've put up the banner on our dear blog.. Show that you care.. Show the world that silence is loud...
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
One Day of Silence.
30th April 2007.
This day shall unite us all about this unbelievable painful & shocking event and show some respect and love to those who lost their loved ones.
On April 30th 2007, the Blogosphere will hold a One-Day Blog Silence in honor of the victims at Virginia Tech. More then 30 died at the US college massacre.
But it´s not only about them. Many bloggers have responded and asked about all the other victims of our world. All the people who die every day. What about them?
This day can be a symbol of support to all the victims of our world!
All you have to do is spread the word about it and post the graphic on your blog on 30th April 2007. No words and no comments. Just respect, reflect and empathy.
Trust. Spread the word. For more info, click on this link.
Growing up
While editing my profile, I came across this random question:
"Lionesses have no manes. How do they know when they have grown up?"
Interesting question, I thought, until I realised that the same question could be applied to us humans. Then I was intrigued.
How do we know when we've grown up???
When we hit 21? Does hitting a certain age mean we've grown up? I wouldn't think so. Plenty of adults around who act like juveniles or little kids.
When we've acquired enough knowlegde? I doubt it. Plenty of kid geniuses who're undoubtedly still kids, and plenty of ignorant adults who're undoubtedly grown-up.
When we hit a certain level of maturity, then? Maybe. But who decides when we're mature enough? Public opinion? Our parents, friends, teachers? There's no scale, no score to measure maturity, is there?
How do we know when we've grown up?
I don't know. Do you?
Another post!!!
Aloha and Hi! how's everyone doing?
Well, here's some update for our Blog...hehe
Everything doesn't seems to be going well for me. When I do motorbike racing, something happened:

When I do sky diving, this is where I landed:

However, in whatever I do, I will always think of the brotherhood. I can feel the Power of Love from the brotherhood:

Saturday, April 21, 2007
What's better...
...than a birthday? Two birthdays!
Double the shot!
Hola amigos!
Heh, I know I'd beat anyone to this right now cause most of you would do this in the morning later but since I'm online and there's no one posted up yet...
Today, the first double birthday of the year from our Brotherhood...
Happy 18th Birthday to Alfred Cassidy and Marcus Yu!!!
May this be a blessed birthday for the both of you. God bless!!
Friday, April 20, 2007
V. Tech Massacre Tribute
This post is to the victims of the Virginia Tech Massacre. Can't believe one f-up person can do such a thing, but it's already done. Just the other day Fahri, Zacky and myself were wondering, 'What if it happened at Swinburne?' In fact, what if it happened at Taylor's? Or Sedaya? But thankfully our gun laws here are stricter than the "U, S, and A." Tragic, and how many more massacres do we have to witness?
Tragedy aside, our Brother Chan has finally left Malaysia altogether to further his studies in Auckland, New Zealand. Soon it'll be Bros. Jia Wern and maybe Alleem as well to the "U, S, and A." But we'll talk about that as they come.
Matriculation Site Link
For those who applied for Matriculation, check to see if you made it through this link here :-
I don't know how many got through but there are other ways of furthering your studies if you didn't make the cut. ........Form 6? ;)
Labels: matriculation
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Farewell my friends.
Hey everybody,this might be my last post in the class blog.So,I'll just leave something here before I leave for New Zealand on the 18th April 2007 (Wednesday).
First of all,I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to most of you who made my dull life colourful. Eventhough we had some ups and downs in our lives,but eventually we got through with it.I had a great time with most of you and I'll never forget all of you who made me secure whenever and wherever I am.
Whenever I felt down hearted,most of you gave me good advices and tried to cheer me up with all your jokes.I still remember Haziq Maslan gave me some good advice when I was so dissapointed until I burst into tears.It was when Madam Pung gave back our english SPM trial exam paper.I was among the worst in the class and I eventually cried due to that reason. Everyone scored 70+ , 80 + for english and I was one of the few who scored only 50+.Isn't that depressing?Hmmm...Haziq told me not to worry so much because it was just a trial exam,not the actual exam.Thanks Haziq.You're 1 of the counsellor in the class.Hahahha.
The other friends who did gave me good advices are Alfarouq,Pan and Richard.Alfarouq always advice me to ignore those who tend to turn me down.Besides that,he always told me to be extra careful when it comes to friends because some friends only be nice to me IF they need my help.If they don't,they don't even care about me.I don't want to talk about this in detail as it doesn't involve the class.Ok,move on to Richard and Pan.They always give effective advice spiritually and self confidence.I do also don't want to go in detail as it also doesn't involve the class.
There are only certain people whom I consider as my "brothers".These people are Ivan,Fahri, and Haziq Shahren.They are like my little brother eventhough Haziq is a year older than me.It's just Haziq is not so demanding and he likes to play around like a little boy.Hahahha...Ivan and Fahri are normally the victims of "being tease by me".HAhahha...it was so much fun teasing them and I'm going to miss those moments.Besides that,they do ask me for help whenever they need it and same goes to the other way round.
The jokers of the class,which is a gang where I usually hang out with.I've been enjoying my time laughing around with Kelvin Fong,Alfred,Alfarouq,Haziq Maslan and Syazwan.Those people just never fail to make me laugh eventhough some of their jokes are lame but funny.Why?...err...because it's lame?... I don't know!...whatever...The teachers' recorder tape,the weirdies,the funny laughter and the manipulating knowledges from the books are just like spices to my life.Besides that,I get to release stress through laughing out loud.Weird isn't it?
I'll be not forgetting some of you who actually helped me to improve my english.We have Shaun who was known as "the dictionary".You know what I mean by Shaun known as the dictionary.AHhaha...no offence yea!Pan on the other hand is known as "the genius of 5A".He got 90+ in almost all of his subjects in school.Remember he got a 110 for add maths?..hahaha...GENIUS!!...and Javier,the BM,add maths and Physics genius...you really helped me in those subjects.
So,I think that is all I can remember for now.Before I end this post,I just want to say I'm sorry for anything bad I've done to most of you.I know I annoyed most of you because I tend to follow how the teachers talk in class.I just hope our friendship will never end and I'll try to visit the class blog as often as possible when I'm in New Zealand.Thank you so much and all the best if your future undertakings.
p/s If I didn't mention your name in this post,please don't get offended.It doesn't mean that I don't mention your name in this blog doesn't mean I don't care about you.There are too many good deeds most of you did to me and I try not to forget it.
*I'm leaving on a jet plane.I don't know when I'll be back again*
HAhahaha....I'll never forget all of you and I hope all of you will do the same thing to me.I appreciate every moment I spent with all of you,especially in class.GOD BLESS!!!
Friday, April 13, 2007
Shall we?
This post is about the idea to use our blog to publish local, relevant ads as a way to make money. There's a local internet organization that will help us do that, called Nuffnang. It was publicised by Kenny Sia, that's where most of us heard about it. For more info, go to
That's where we have to sign up. You can also read about in on Kenny Sia.
All we need is 20 new unique users a day (i think we've got that), a bank account, and an email. Ivan suggested (ok, more like joked) that we use his email and bank account. Then, we'll have a valid excuse for banging on his door whenever we need cash in a hurry. (Knock Knock Knock. "IVAN! Where's MY share of the money!!" =P) Or we could just use the money for class gatherings and stuff.
So what do you think? Go check out the Nuffnang website and post your feedback in the comments.
King Lear Remix
This is an excerpt taken from the book "The Golden Globe" by sci-fi author John Varley. You have to know a bit of Shakespeare to understand it, but if you do, man, its wild...=P Read on.
Act 1 Scene 1
King Lear's Palace
Enter Lear, Goneril, Regan, Cordelia, Gloucester, Kent
LEAR: Hey, you! Go get Burgandy and the Frog! I'm an old fart, and I'm pooped. I'm outta here.
GONERIL: Gimme the kingdom, 'cause I love you and kiss your royal a*s.
REGAN: Me, too, Daddy, but twice as much!
LEAR: (turns to Cordelia) What about you, sweets?
CORDELIA: You're cool, Pops.
LEAR: Well, f**k you! You don't get nothing. You two b**ches split it up.
KENT: You're f**kin' up, big man.
LEAR: F**k you, too! Screw!
(Exit Kent; Enter Duke of Burgundy and King of France)
BURGUNDY: No cash? F**k me! I don't want her, then!
FRANCE: I'll take her.
LEAR: Take the b**ch, then. I'm outta here.
(Exit Lear and court)
FRANCE: Let's screw.
(Exit France and Cordelia)
GONERIL: He's one nutty old f**k!
REGAN: Let's f**k him over.
(Exit Goneril and Regan)
EDMUND: (aside) I'm one double-crossing bas**rd! (Exit)
This is actually the first part of a hypothetical script of King Lear acted out entirely in five minutes. That's the reason for its brevity, and consequently, foul language. I don't condone using swear words, mind you (the original is uncensored, though the rest of the book isn't that bad), but the point is, sometimes (like in this situation) nothing gets the point across better than a few well-placed curses. Not to mention the uncouth humour value.
Act 1 Scene 1
King Lear's Palace
Enter Lear, Goneril, Regan, Cordelia, Gloucester, Kent
LEAR: Hey, you! Go get Burgandy and the Frog! I'm an old fart, and I'm pooped. I'm outta here.
GONERIL: Gimme the kingdom, 'cause I love you and kiss your royal a*s.
REGAN: Me, too, Daddy, but twice as much!
LEAR: (turns to Cordelia) What about you, sweets?
CORDELIA: You're cool, Pops.
LEAR: Well, f**k you! You don't get nothing. You two b**ches split it up.
KENT: You're f**kin' up, big man.
LEAR: F**k you, too! Screw!
(Exit Kent; Enter Duke of Burgundy and King of France)
BURGUNDY: No cash? F**k me! I don't want her, then!
FRANCE: I'll take her.
LEAR: Take the b**ch, then. I'm outta here.
(Exit Lear and court)
FRANCE: Let's screw.
(Exit France and Cordelia)
GONERIL: He's one nutty old f**k!
REGAN: Let's f**k him over.
(Exit Goneril and Regan)
EDMUND: (aside) I'm one double-crossing bas**rd! (Exit)
This is actually the first part of a hypothetical script of King Lear acted out entirely in five minutes. That's the reason for its brevity, and consequently, foul language. I don't condone using swear words, mind you (the original is uncensored, though the rest of the book isn't that bad), but the point is, sometimes (like in this situation) nothing gets the point across better than a few well-placed curses. Not to mention the uncouth humour value.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Brotherhood Update
Before I start, let's give a shoutout to Nizam, because it's his birthday today!
This blog's pretty dead, besides the chatterbox, so maybe I'll post something lengthy here. First on my agenda is:
Locally-relevant ads. Just the other day Jia Wern was discussing with me whether to put locally-relevant ads in our class blog. And if some of you read Kenny Sia, you know what I'm talking about. Hell, some of you guys might even buy the products in the ads. So what say we switch/put in local ads in our class blog? Sure we won't get as much compared to the US ads, but theoretically the RM will come in faster than that. Give us your two sen in the comments page. I, for one am for it, as is Jia Wern.
Secondly, I thought it might be interesting to list out the whereabouts of our brothers now, seeing that tertiary education is our concern, so here it is:
Note: Not necessarily in alphabetical order; just whatever name comes to my mind first.
Jia Wern: Still in Kuching
Noel T.: NS, Betong Camp
Gerald S.: NS, Bau Camp
Alfarouq: Still in Kuching
Jonathan J.: Sedaya, in Kuching
David L.: Holidaying in the UK
Javier T.: UTP, Tronoh, Perak
Richard L.: UTP, Tronoh, Perak
Aziz: UTP, Tronoh, Perak
Marcus Y.: Still in Kuching
Isaac L.: NS, Negeri Sembilan Camp
Ivan M.: Still in Kuching
Aaron G: Still in Kuching
Cheng: Sedaya, in Kuching
Joel T.: NS, Bau Camp
Darren C.: NS, Bau Camp
Fahri: Swinburne, in Kuching
Zacky: Swinburne, in Kuching
Haziq S: Still in Kuching
Alleem S: Still in Kuching
Haziq M: Still in Kuching
Afiq M: Still in Kuching
Kelvin F.: NS, Betong Camp
Kelvin C.: Still in Kuching
Jardian T.: Still in Kuching
Luke T.: NS, Camp location UNKNOWN
Philip P.: Swinburne, in Kuching
Agan B.: In Athol, near Mass, New Hampshire border, USA
Asyraf: Still in Kuching
Matthew T.: Taylor's, in KL
Syafiq: UNKNOWN, last seen in Kuching
Syed Hafiz: UNKNOWN, last seen in Kuching
Qhairy: Swinburne, in Kuching
Ikhwan: UNKNOWN, last seen in Kuching
Mark O.: Still in Kuching
Zulkipli: UNKNOWN, last seen in Kuching
Cavan C.: Taylor's, in KL
Jeremy B.: Still in Kuching
Shaun L.: Swinburne, in Kuching
I think I've covered all 45 people. Apologies if I've missed anyone. And if I got your location wrong or you'd like to change it from Unknown to '...', leave a comment. Have a nice day, y'all!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Birthday Shoutout
It's been ages since I've done my job as a 'Birthday Shoutout-er'.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
A (True) Sad Story
Read this on someone's website & thought that I should share with you guys. Not sure if you've heard of the story before but if you haven't, hopefully you would learn something from it.
This is a story of a young college girl who passed away last month, at Shah Alam. Her name is Priya; she was hit by a lorry. I don't want to mention the name of the college. She had a boyfriend named Shankar. He lives in Johore. Both of them are true lovers.
They are always on the phone with each other. You can never see her without her handphone. She spends ¾ of the day talking with Shankar. Priya's family knows about their relationship. Shankar is very close with Priya's family (just imagine their love). Before she passed away she always told her friends "If I pass away please burn me with my handphone". She also said the same thing to her parents.
After her death, people couldn't carry her coffin. I was there ~ a lot of them tried to do so but still couldn't , everybody including me, had tried to carry the coffin, the result was still the same.
Eventually, they called their neighbour, a "bomoh" from Thailand (Pak Darin), who is a friend of her father's. He took a seat and started speaking to himself slowly. After a few minutes, he said "this girl misses something here". Then her friends told Darin bout her intentions to burn her with her phone. He then opened the coffin and place her phone, together with the SIM card inside the casket. After that they tried to carry the coffin. It could now be moved and they carried it into the van easily. All of us were shocked. (can you feel the fear? I'm shaking at this moment.)
Priya's parents didn't inform Shankar that Priya had passed away (pity Shankar). After 2 weeks Shankar called Priya's mom. Shankar: "Atte, I'm coming home today. Please cook something nice for me. Don't tell Priya that I'm coming home today; I want to surprise her."
Her mother replied, "You come home first, I want to tell you something very important."After he arrived at Shah Alam, they told him the truth about Priya.Shankar thought that they were fooling around. He was laughing and said, "Don't try to fool me ... tell Priya to come out ... I have a gift for her.Please stop this nonsense."
Then they show him the Priya's death certificate; they gave him proof to make him believe.Shankar started to sweat profusely. He said, "It's not true. We spoke>yesterday. She still calls me."Shankar was shaking so badly when suddenly, his phone rang."See this is from Priya. See this ...." he showed the phone to Priya's family. All of them told him to answer. He used the loudspeaker mode. All of them heard this conversation, loud and clear. No cross lines, no humming. It was Priya's voice! And there was no way others could use her SIM card as it was nailed inside the coffin! They were so shocked and asked for pak Darin's help.
Pak Darin brought his master (Tok Chen) to solve this matter. He and Pak Darin worked for 5 hours ... then they discovered one thing...
Alright, guys..the thing they discovered was so horrifying that I thought I should post it in the comments page..