Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Growing up


While editing my profile, I came across this random question:

"Lionesses have no manes. How do they know when they have grown up?"

Interesting question, I thought, until I realised that the same question could be applied to us humans. Then I was intrigued.

How do we know when we've grown up???

When we hit 21? Does hitting a certain age mean we've grown up? I wouldn't think so. Plenty of adults around who act like juveniles or little kids.

When we've acquired enough knowlegde? I doubt it. Plenty of kid geniuses who're undoubtedly still kids, and plenty of ignorant adults who're undoubtedly grown-up.

When we hit a certain level of maturity, then? Maybe. But who decides when we're mature enough? Public opinion? Our parents, friends, teachers? There's no scale, no score to measure maturity, is there?

How do we know when we've grown up?

I don't know. Do you?


At 6:34 pm, April 24, 2007, Blogger David Ling said...

When your little sister takes your share of ice cream and you're not annoyed.

At 8:41 am, April 25, 2007, Blogger Agan said...

dude..what david says...thats the ultimate 'grown-up-yet' test...


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