Monday, May 08, 2006


Okay, turns out the last post's reminders were riddled with errors. Before I rectify them, I want to speak out my mind on this.

This blog is NOT a one-man job. True, I started this based on what Pan suggested, but have you forgotten that you're all part of it and thus are responsible for maintaining it as well? I hope to see more contribution to this. At least Ivan and Fahri are doing their part offline, but what about the rest of you?

Turns out a whole lot of people have seen the reminders and had not bothered to correct them, or even doubt their veracity. Just because MOST of my reminders are correct, doesn't mean they're ALWAYS correct. Otherwise why would Chan and Gerald add or correct previous reminders? However, this diligence seems to have diminished, since I've received complaints questioning the veracity of the reminders. When I asked them why didn't they voice out their doubts, I either received a 'Didn't know it was wrong', which was acceptable, but not this excuse, 'Too lazy to point it out'. Oh YEAH! Too lazy to point it out, eh? What happens if I eventually become too lazy to post reminders? I doubt any of you are willing to pick up the slack. Some of you might think, 'Shaun's being a publicity bitch', and to that, I say, BULLSHIT! Why the hell would I want publicity for myself? What I want is publicity for OUR blog. I want the trust you put in me when I post up reminders to be well earned by me, not blindly invested.

Reminder Corrections:
1)Bio test NEXT MONDAY, Chapters 2 & 3.
2)BM test continues either tomorrow or on Wednesday
3)Finish up your MT homework
4)Maths test is apparently NEXT WEEK, and not tomorrow
5)Matthew says we have to hand in our Chemistry PEKA tomorrow(I received this at 10:35pm)


At 10:37 pm, May 08, 2006, Blogger Meteorxs said...

hmm.. guess i better 'do my part' apparently kimia peka needs to handed in tomorrow.. i don't know if anyone knows that but i sure didn't. anyway.. just be reminded.


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