Thursday, March 30, 2006

Food for thought.........

Earlier today, the non-Muslim students (which includes myself) got back their Moral exam papers. Many of us were not very happy with our marks. We asked our teacher Mdm Alice to explain to us why she did give marks for this, did not give marks for that.

She said that she as Ass. Head of Moral Department and Mdm Josephine as Head of Moral Department had already set a standard marking scheme and the exam papers will be marked strictly according to it.

Anything not in the scheme means not accepted i.e. no marks.

A friend of mine said these words to me:
"So, she (Mdm Alice) means that the marking scheme is perfect. For the marking scheme to be perfect, she and Mdm Josephine must be perfect also. Let's say we have a brainstorming session. 40++ students brainstorm for answers together. Mdm Alice and Mdm Josephine also brainstorm. Which group do you think will come with lebih banyak MORE logical i.e. correct answers????"

That was not exactly everything my friend but close enough to the real thing.

So now people...... Think......


At 7:19 pm, March 30, 2006, Blogger cavanc said...

Err...sorry to say.. but can u explain again, i dun quite understand the last part about the brainstormming thing..


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