Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Well, 13th March has come, and passed, and we see the happy/unhappy faces of those SPM candidates of '05. So, I'd like to congratulate the SJS achievers who made our school proud. Though unfortunately, there's only 4 of them with straight A1s, last I heard. Everyone else mostly ended up with 9A1s and 1A2, in Moral. So, we'll probably hear something about that from Mdm. Alice on Monday.

Anyway, here's those who achieved straight A1s! (I only know of two names, if anyone else can get the other two, my thanks to him)
1)Ian Tang
2)Dwayne Chang
3)Faiq Syamin
4) ?

Keep up with your revision.


At 10:05 pm, March 14, 2006, Blogger Ah Chan said...

Surprisingly,Benjamin Ling obtained A2 for MORAL....We'll see what will Madam Alice say on Monday..."easiest subject,huh.."

At 10:08 pm, March 14, 2006, Blogger The SJS DM said...

Oh good, now we need the name of the other guy.


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