Sunday, March 19, 2006


Now that I've got your attention(HAHA!)

MUFTI DAY TOMORROW!! Don't get caught with your school pants up!

Camera, gotta remember the camera...

Oh, and in case you were wondering, here's Wikipedia's take on Mufti Day.

Mufti also refers to ordinary clothes, especially when worn by one who normally wears, or has long worn, a military or other uniform.

The history of this description comes from the term Mufi to describe an official class of men in India who at that time, interpreted the law. Known throughout India as Muftis', they dressed in civilian attire, unlike many other civil servants of the day. So, when a naval officer shifted out of uniform into civilian clothes to proceed ashore, it was spoken of as shifting into 'mufti'. Source: Royal Australian Navy website [1]

Mufti Day is an event at certain schools in which students are permitted to wear ordinary clothing, instead of the usual school uniform.

Luckily for us, we don't get charged for wearing casual, unlike some other schools.

Oh, and we're supposed to bring our Physics workbook(something Newton) tomorrow. Make sure all your reports are complete, too.


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