Thursday, October 05, 2006

Of passive and active voice

Don't we all love Moral? Where else do we learn that driving Toyotas is unpatriotic compared to someone who drives a Proton? Maybe the government thinks that putting high import taxes is not enough to deter people from buying important cars, so why not label those who don't support Proton as 'unpatriotic'?

Other than that, we just received confirmation of the uselessness of ''Pendidikan Moral". Yes, we know that the marking scheme is very strict, but to mark an answer written in ayat pasif wrong just because the marking scheme says it is ayat aktif? It is as ridiculous as the 'Elvis sighted on Moon' story. Apparently aktiviti gotong-royong diadakan dengan melibatkan semua kaum and semua kaum melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti gotong-royong yang diadakan don't mean the same thing. And in Aaron's case, bidang perindustrian is wrong, it should be written bidang ekonomi. Hmm, but I thought we had to be specific, as bidang ekonomi is very vague and covers a wide range, ie industry, free trade agreements, CD piracy etc?

Anyway, some of the Moral questions are so ambiguous it seems like the examiners are out to trick the students. No point arguing over stupidity, yes?


At 10:23 pm, October 07, 2006, Blogger Ah Chan said...

Yalo...I thought Madam Alice said she was trained in teaching BM in the teachers college?


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