Friday, October 06, 2006

See. Think. Act.

Note: Sorry for the lack of eloquence in this post, guys. I'm rushing to finish it 'cause someone's looking from the back. It's really distracting..-.-"

Yes. That's what that Hafizul should have done when he decided to write about the teachers. I notice that the things that we talk about these past few days revolves mainly around our exams and the endless explosions, but as we all know, this year's school magazine falls short of our expectations. This sparked a fiasco in school and almost everyone who has seen the so-called "school magazine" responded to it in a negative way. I know that this topic alone "gave birth" to two different articles already, but as one of the students in 5A, I think that I'm also entitled to express my views. But, first of all, I'd like to mention a few things that happened during the afternoon session. According to my brother, Mr. Adam said that his quote was modified and he wasn't really happy about it. Furthermore, the teachers were disappointed with the "Golden Quotes". They said that it gave everyone the impression that the teachers in St. Joseph's are a bunch of retards. Seriously.

So, anyway, as one of the first few students who are given the privilage to read the school magazine, as I said before this, I think that it was rather disappointing. First of all, the "Golden Quotes" thing was 100% crap. It was insulting and rather harsh towards the teachers. In life, it's all about impression...first impression, to be exact. The quotes show the other side of our teachers, which couldn't and shouldn't be shown to people outside our school. As students, we are supposed to respect them. Not make fun of them. Secondly, do you guys notice that in the "Coretan Minda" section or whatever it's called, the guy who made the "Golden Quotes" thing had one essay and two poems published. I mean, man, the editors could've used the space to put Jia Wern's essay or something, right?

I really don't have the time to elaborate on every defect on our blog, but maybe I'm just gonna highlight some of the stuff that I noticed in the magazine. Maybe Shaun mentioned most of them before, but I think he missed out one or, here goes nothing:

  1. The pictures look horrible. I don't know what is wrong..but, yeah, they're blurry.
  2. On certain pages, the texts can even reach the spine of the magazine...where you can't even read them.
  3. I see too many Jonathans. There's like 9-10 pictures of him...Haha..just kidding, dude. Actually, defect #3 is supposed to be the lousy pictures and "captions" in the potpourri.
  4. Do any of you notice the 2 crossword puzzles on the first page of the "Advertisement" section? I can't find anything that suggests that it's an ad.
  5. The profiles go on and on without the element of continuation. It's as if every class profile is connected to each other, without any border or anything, causing it too look really messy. I don't know, it does look messier compared to last year's magazine.
  6. #6...Uh...

Right. I can't find #6, but if I can describe this year's magazine in one word, I would say that it's disappointing. I was hoping to find something that could remind me of the good old days that we spent together, but apparently, this year's editors managed to screw everything up. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, especially Samuel, Ee Rong and the other guys, but I can't help it. The main purpose of this post is..well, to "bomb" them. So, there's no way I could've avoided the inevitable. You were the editors, so you guys are responsible for ensuring the contents of the magazine will not create any controversy. Actually, I still have a lot to say, but due to certain restrictions such as time, it's impossible for me to express everything in this post. However, if anyone would like to argue with me (the wakil for the editors, perhaps?) or whatever, I'm always ready..=P


At 9:51 am, October 07, 2006, Blogger The SJS DM said...

"However, if anyone would like to argue with me (the wakil for the editors, perhaps?) or whatever, I'm always ready..=P"

Don't worry, I'll back you up and support you if any of the editors got beef with us. Us Brothers gotta stick together!

At 1:33 pm, October 07, 2006, Blogger SpyingJar said...

who is this?

At 3:31 pm, October 07, 2006, Blogger Ah Chan said...

Hey,don't you think the school magazine co-ordinator should be blamed for this too?I heard Madam Mok was blamed for it too because she has all the rights to decline such thing to be published into the school magazine.As for the editors and Hafizul,you should have thought that this "golden quotes" is rather harsh and disrespectful.It may be funny for some students,but it's definitely dissapointing and humiliating for the teachers,especially Madam Goh Hion Ching.Eventhough she has a bad "s" pronounciation,but you should not publish her weakness into the school magazine.It's rather despicable.No offence ya!!...what to do..nasi sudah jadi bubur.

At 5:31 pm, October 07, 2006, Blogger The SJS DM said...

This is Fahri's post, Jardian. You should've guessed at the connections: "My brother", "afternoon session", and especially the La Sallian Convention connection - "See. Think. Act." But my next comment is more pressing.

Chan, heads are going to roll for this, regardless of who's ACTUALLY responsible for this fiasco. Like you've said in your post, is it the Form 5 guy(I'll refrain from using his name), the editors, or the teacher-in-charge?

At 2:12 pm, October 08, 2006, Blogger j@Ve said...

it's that (Shaun, you know what i mean) student's fault.

At 2:44 pm, October 08, 2006, Blogger David Ling said...

C'mon la, i would personally screw d editors, after all they are the ones with content control.

At 5:45 pm, October 08, 2006, Blogger The SJS DM said...

True, David, but they wouldn't have to control content if it wasn't bad to start with, would they?

Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to center the blame on one person only. Misery loves company, after all.


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