Thursday, April 06, 2006

Almost the weekend

This long depressing week is coming to an end. In my opinion, the results are making me think like I'm back in Form 4.

Anyway, I'm almost done with our class profile. I'm sorry it cannot be done in colour, since some people don't allow it; you know who I'm talking about. I want you all to know, however, that should any other class get their profile done in colour, I want us to raise hell. Why? Because we're 5A, and we should damn well get the best!

Currently, I'm 3 photos short of completing this task, and it looks like it won't be ready for tomorrow. But, that's an excuse I'm gonna use.

1)Do your Physics PEKA III, or at least, get it ready for Monday.
2)Bio perancangan for ubi kentang, due tomorrow.
3)Maths homework, Latihan Pengukuhan, questions 1-8.
4)Add. Maths homework, the questions given to us by Mr. James.
5)English summary.
6)BM oral tomorrow, the three teams slated for tomorrow, you know who you are, so get ready.

Oh, and before I forget, today's Aaron's birthday! So, here it goes...



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