Thursday, April 06, 2006

Yo yo yo

Hmm dudes....
I remember saying: "I HATE local music!"

Let me explain.....
There are a few local music bands that I do like. For example:
  1. Disagree
  2. Lo
  3. K-Town Clan
  4. Love Me Butch
  5. 7 Collar T-Shirt
  6. One Buck Short
  7. Frequency Cannon
et cetera et cetera et cetera et cetera et cetera

But the bloody problem is GOOD QUALITY LOCAL BANDS/ARTISTES are few/rare.

Everything else (I mean the rest of the other crappy stuff Malays call music) is just:
  1. Jiwang tak masuk akal
  2. Jiwang tak habis-habis
  3. Jiwang menjengkelkan
  4. Jiwang punya jiwang
  5. Jiwang punya jiwang pun tak betul-betul jiwang sebab saling meniru.
I like some part of our local music scene but the disliked part is too overwhelming that what I like is negligible. Just like the perubahan/tokokan kecil concept we use in Pembezaan.

That's why I said: "I HATE local music!"

Suddenly I'm reminded of oXYmoroN's post...... just click here.


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