Monday, January 14, 2008

The Misplaced Door

As you all know, Kuching is now home to its very own KL-style shopping mall, tHe Spring. If you haven't been there, then you either know KL's much much better, or you don't go out very often.

Anyway, today, a few of us discovered an interior defect in the building: a door that serves no purpose whatsoever.

If you guys wanna know where this door is, it's just right outside Factory Outlet Shop on the 1st floor. It's basically a door connected to one side of the wall, but it ends there. Apparently there's a sliding wall like the ones you see on shops that slide down from the ceiling, but why put one sliding wall there and not anywhere else in the mall? Probably an oversight by the powers-that-be.


At 5:21 pm, January 15, 2008, Blogger Fahriee said...

WTF? I never noticed that! Hahaha..

At 1:45 am, January 16, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, so that's what those doors are for. I've seen them around and assumed they were for fire protection or something. Or maybe against bullets, like close the door when people start shooting towards you? LOL..


At 7:59 pm, January 16, 2008, Blogger Unknown said...

Well, I noticed that door first when I walked to F.O.S. I thought it was stupid at first to put a door there but after I looked up and saw the shutter, I finally see its purpose.

Although I gotta to agree that it look kinda stupid there...

At 1:26 pm, January 18, 2008, Blogger The SJS DM said...

Yeah, but why shut that part of the mall and not the rest of it? And I think it isn't even fully sealed, because the other corridor doesn't have a pull-down wall.

Hahaha, maybe they had an extra door and some cement left.


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