Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I got a suggestion...

Do you wanna put up song on our blog? I've found a site where they have quite a number of great songs which you can put up just like I did in my blog. It loads quickly too so you can listen to it on the spot...

So, what say you?


At 8:58 am, June 20, 2007, Blogger The SJS DM said...

Sure, why not? But depends on the song genres. Pop is a safe choice since everyone's bound to listen to it on the radio at some point, rather than techno, or hip hop, or rap, or rock.

At 3:30 pm, June 20, 2007, Blogger Ah Chan said...

yea..I'm ok with it

At 6:47 pm, June 20, 2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Well, I'm suggesting that we put up a poll: "Song of the Week" so that we vote and other people too.

Then we put it up for a week before changing to a new one...

At 10:46 pm, June 20, 2007, Blogger Agan said...

Why don't we try record our own song..that might be fun..

At 2:22 pm, June 21, 2007, Blogger The SJS DM said...

Does that mean the template problem is fixed? HTML-fiddling required to embed songs in the site, you know. Last I checked Blogger still stubbornly refuses to let me edit our template due to technical difficulties.

At 7:46 pm, June 21, 2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Hmm... I've no clue what is wrong with yours then but I seem to be able to change the template. I mean, I could access the page but I haven't made any changes to the template.

Maybe I'll try do the updates another time cause my laptop don't have Microsoft Office programs to open the Birthday List.

At 7:30 am, June 22, 2007, Blogger The SJS DM said...

Not that. I can access the template page as well and make changes, but when I click "Save Template Changes', Blogger tells me they have a technical error.

At 10:01 pm, June 22, 2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Hmm, that's odd. Then maybe there's a faulty in one or a few of the blog html codes.. Well, maybe..

At 12:37 am, June 23, 2007, Blogger The SJS DM said...

Yeah, specifically, it's our Google Adsense. Blogger tells me the HTML code's outdated or something. Pan suggests we remove our Google Adsense ads and see whether it makes a difference. Unfortunately, I'm kinda strapped for time to hunt down the HTML codes for the Google Ads.


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