New Sidebar
Wassup boys?
Well, in case you didn't know.. I've put up a new sidebar on our site here, One-liner. So, check it out yeah? Oh, if you do remember any funny or interesting one-liner from our friends or anyone, just post them up. You know, one-liners are cool especially when it's funny..
Oh... For those going Form 6, I hope I'll meet you guys there. I know a few going but I just realized I'm the only one I know going to Physic side.. Yup, I'm so gonna be alone without my ex-classmates being my classmates again. Do cheer me up ya? XD how? Come to PHYSIC side la....
P.S: You come Physic side, we can use air-con when go U6A later... XD
dude ill probably go to physics so dont worry la.
Haha, Ivan, I hope being in an air-conditioned classroom isn't your MAIN intention of being in Form 6, haha! Kidding.
Agan, the circular says you gotta register by 15th May to get into Form 6, and absence is assumed to be rejection of Form 6. How'd you gonna pull this off, man? Aren't you coming back sometime in July?
Ivan... its air conditioned cuz your ass will be sweating from learning formulas which will have shapes you never knew existed...:p
hahaha..yea Ivan...physics class...not easy oohh...u really need to recall your knowledge of physics from form 4 and form 5...if's gonna be devastating.....ahhaha..but if u have full interest in physics...I guess you'll be doing fine...hope I won't be seeing you wearing thick glasses when I come back end of the year..hahahhaha...:P
and dude..another thing..just one teeny little thing..
"all that you know is wrong."
you'll know what i'm talking about when you start your lessons. =)
what? what the?! huh?
mai gu....
people haven't start studying already tryna kanfius me kah??
Actually, Fahri, the song's "Everything You Know is Wrong". But yeah, Ivan. EVERYTHING you thought you knew was wrong. Remember in primary school it was 1 + 1 = 2? And then in Upper Secondary 1 + 1 = 10? Now 1 + 1 = 1!!
Which reminds me, I really need to put that song up in my Multiply.
Huh?! Whoa! Cool.. Eh, what happened to 1 + 1 = 11?
As always, Ivan is being dumb... Or he IS dumb..
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