Saturday, March 17, 2007

Post-SPM Results

So Results Day has come and passed. Apparently we beat our counterparts across the road, though to quote Fahri, it might just be a matter of quantity over quality.

Still, I do believe we've also surpassed our predecessors in the number of Straight As this year. So in retrospect, '06 was a pretty good year for us; another feather in our cap, you might say.

College/University; form 6; matriculation; graping; whatever it is, your future's in your hands now to pick your path in life. Pan's already highlighted the various tertiary education paths in his 'Choices' post, so I don't suppose there's much doubt left in our minds on where we're going after this.

Form 5 may be over, but this blog's still standing. To those of you who still hold some affiliation to this blog, please keep it alive and update it, even if it's just the Saybox. This is our identity as a class, and as a brotherhood.

Finally, to our brothers starting their stint in Group 2/Series 4 of the National Service Programme, good luck to you, and enjoy the experience!(Even if you don't have the chance to read this post)


At 1:50 pm, March 17, 2007, Blogger Fahriee said...

some of us will still stick together even after form 5, dude..a good example would be..well, us! =)


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