Greetings everyone at home, or as my american friends would put it,
Wazzup Yo!?
im just here to give you a little update on my trip in the states...
Okay so things are pretty different here. Ill make this first post about schoool i guess..
Well some of the differences are...
I only have to take 4 subjects in school here. Im taking Land Navigation/Space Exploration,
English 12 , US History 2 and also College Chemistry ( gotta love chemistry:D)
Now i know many Malaysians think that Americans have it easy in school and that we Malaysians are way better than them in anything to do with science. Well thats a load of bull:)
So far here in school, the workload has been bigger than what we had back home in 5A plus we
cant get away with not doing homework like you can in St Joe. Homework is part of your grade.
Also for those of us who have joined sports, we practice everyday single school day, and americans dont do that alang alang like many of (me) do back home..
that said, School here does have its ups...like..all the pretty girls you have in class:D
Teachers here are also way more laid back and they dont really mind you asking them all sorts of weird questions..
School lunches here are the BOMB. Dudes, you guys have no idea. I think one day im going to take over the st joe canteen la. Make it something respectable.
oh yeah, a LOT of hot chicks here in school and they are all so friendly:) (did i mention that?)
aight ill just leave you guys with a bunch of pics i took. maybe ill post somemore in the days to come. peace out and have a good one
(me coaching the seniors at basketball..we lost by like 25 points to the faculty:D )
this is what americans do for fun in the winter. Excellent back workout too. Now you know why americans are so wicked good at sports
this is one of the fine ladies from my A Period hehe
Man, Agan, you almost make me wish i'd signed up for AFS too... =P
did you decorate your own room??? lolz
the chicks..dude, u guys look real cute..XD
GAn?Dood...those guys at bball are like huge and look so old!
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