Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Another little outing

Okay, an outing that ironically wasn't planned by us, but by Norman. But anyhow, a good number of us went for a drink at Bing's! tonight. They were: Chan, myself, David, Haziq M., the Shahren brothers, Jonathan, Fahri, Ivan, Alfarouq, Asyraf, and Jardian.

We gathered at Bing's! around 7:30-8pm and had a drink and a light snack until 9pm. After that some of us decided that we should go play some CS at Ocean. Turns out the place was closed, so we changed to Masters(?). But along the way, some of us changed our minds and decided we should grab a bite at Electra House. There my part of the story ends. Maybe one of those who stayed for the night's events care to continue this? Thanks.


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