Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I'm back!

Wait, it should be: We're back!


Short recap:
Matthew, Aziz, Richard and I went to this Petronas EduCamp at MRSM Kuching.
(Yeah, I know I said Richard not going but he changed his mind at the last minute.)
About 65 Sarawakians and 14 Sabahans took part in this EduCamp.

It was fun. We made so many new friends! (In retrospect, making friends is virtually unavoidable.)
Plenty of funny guys from Bintulu and Miri. (Funny in a good sense lah.)

First day was registration day. So, a lot of free time. At night, there was the typical activity; ice-breaking.

Second day, the participants were divided into 3 different groups. In each group, participants were again divided in smaller subgroups. So, there were brainstorming sessions and activities which train thinking-out-of-the-box skills, teamwork and communication skills. Lots of fun.

Third day, a few lecturers from Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) and a few staff members from Petronas came to MRSM to give talks on a few courses. The courses that were touched on were:
  1. Civil Engineering (given by Miss Koh, lecturer, UTP)
  2. Information & Communication Technology (ICT) and Business Information Systems (BIS) [given by Mr Mohd Hilmi, lecturer, UTP]
  3. Petroleum Engineering (given by Miss Kartina, Petronas staff member, KLCC Tower 1)
  4. Geoscience (given by Miss Fatma, Petronas staff member)
Fourth day, interview. 3 panels of assessors for Education Sponsorship Unit (ESU) came to assess the participants. Each panel consists of 2 assessors. The entire process is too long and complicated to squeeze in here.

That's a pretty short, concise and accurate summary of our experience at MRSM Kuching. Hmm, before I stop, I want to ask....... WHY NOBODY UPDATE OUR BLOG? Aiseh man, I'm waiting for new material to read but still cannot find. So, maybe I'll see you guys around huh? Take care y'all.


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