Thursday, December 21, 2006

"Help me!"

As each minute passes, the living treasure dies.

The protectors' ranks were dwindling far too quickly. Defenses began to give way.

"Protect the Blog!" bellowed the Captain. "If your fingers grow weary, remind yourself of all the good the Blog has poured out for you!"

Despite the Captain's efforts to reignite his men's passion to continue writing, the men still did not have the motivation to stay alive amid the raging battle. The attacks from Television and Computer Games, and many other fiendish temptations were far too strong to cope with.

Soon, only the Captain and a few of his loyal Sergeants were left to defend the living treasure, the Blog.

"Do not surrender!" roared the Captain, his voice still strong and unwavering. "The Blog lives! Do not let our treasure perish before our deaths! We fight, we fight!"

"We fight, we fight!" echoed the Captain's men.

And, so the battle continues. So, will you let our treasure just die out? because I can feel my hand becoming wet and slippery from the blood oozing from this Blog's heart. The Blog is barely alive; post something in here, do not let this precious treasure of ours succumb to its wounds and disappear forever.

Heheh sorry I can get a bit too melodramatic sometimes. Blame it on C.S. Lewis.


At 9:44 pm, December 21, 2006, Blogger Andrew Ho said...

hang on captain.....lolz


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