Monday, December 18, 2006


Really bored now. I haven't got the energy to look for a part-time job. So, all I do is sit at home, play computer and gain kilogrammes.

Quoth Alleem:
"People only appreciate what they lose."

I agree with that.

Now that I'm officially unemployed (we all are, except for a few of you who have part-time jobs), I realise how much I want to be in school again. I wouldn't mind enduring blistering remarks from our teachers, or even the humidity and stuffiness of our school stadium.

Well, I reiterate, we are all unemployed, post-SPM victims (or victors, whichever you prefer), who have nothing to do for about 3 months or more.

I'm beating around the bush now.

My point here is to encourage y'all to make use of whatever you have studied in school.
For example, Mr James had always told us that Differentiation & Integration (or in BM, Pembezaan & Pengamiran) is very useful when it comes to designing and optimisation of things like bottles, stairs, etc, etc.

But I am sure that most of us would love to apply the knowledge pertaining to reproduction in our lives. Hahaha.

Stuff that seem stupid and worthless like inertia, strength, tension, genetics, inheritance, trigonometry, scale drawings, painting, matrices blablabla, are actually so important. I wish the teachers in school had been even more patient than they are now because the importance of all that we've learnt never seemed useful. If they had been more patient, they would have convinced us to do well in our studies. But then again, that's called blaming others for my own mistakes.

Hmm, excuse my ranting, I needed someplace to vent my frustration at myself. Perhaps some of you share my thoughts and would care to share your sentiments........


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