If any of you feels that you're not studying enough or you're wasting your study leave......
I, for one, spend a maximum of two hours out of 24 hours studying.
That's 16.7% of a day.
And, I'm comfortable with my rate of revision.
I bet y'all studying at least 33.3% a day.
I should be the one who's worrying, and y'all should be the ones feeling comforted.
Keep it up...... Relax.....
hehe, you're not alone Javier. Watching anime on Animax really zapped me of my studying time...
Haha, i'm studying >1 hour a day, sigh....
hah....I'm even worst....I took 1 day to finish 2 chapter from fizik nia!Too much entertainment to make me free from boredom.
you studied one whole DAY!!!!
you FINISHED a chapter!!!!!
ei, i'm the one who's worse...
i study for one hour, you study even more......
i'm worse la :p i got days off one, sometimes no mood. but this post really helps.. at least i'm not the only one.. hehe thanks javier
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