Friday, August 18, 2006

"Yes Javier?"

Pn Kang shook her head as she started to chide me (with snide remarks):

Yes Javier?!! YOU and that group of boys over there?!!
Your attitude is going from A to B to C!! You are becoming worse everyday!!

She scolded me today in front of the whole class. So memalukan embarrassing degrading abasing drop my water face only.

The worst part is, I AM innocent, free of guilt, untarnished, sinless!! (Hyperbole intended.)

Here's the story:
I saw Isaac and Ivan holding guitars and they were playing soft music. (Isaac, Ivan, David, Matthew, Noel, Richard were sitting in a group near me). I leaned over a table and listened. Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton. Ah, nice music. After a few moments I got there, then Pn Kang exploded.

What is the .........., ............ ...... .......... ........... ......... ........ teacher's ........ problem???????????
(Feel free to fill in the blanks)


At 7:09 pm, August 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...



At 11:17 am, August 19, 2006, Blogger Ah Chan said...

Yess ahhh????You know la Puan Kang Poh Sim....last year I became her victim....very kek sim...what to do?? * smacks her*


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