"Yes Javier?"
Pn Kang shook her head as she started to chide me (with snide remarks):
Yes Javier?!! YOU and that group of boys over there?!!
Your attitude is going from A to B to C!! You are becoming worse everyday!!
She scolded me today in front of the whole class. So memalukan embarrassing degrading abasing drop my water face only.
The worst part is, I AM innocent, free of guilt, untarnished, sinless!! (Hyperbole intended.)
Here's the story:
I saw Isaac and Ivan holding guitars and they were playing soft music. (Isaac, Ivan, David, Matthew, Noel, Richard were sitting in a group near me). I leaned over a table and listened. Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton. Ah, nice music. After a few moments I got there, then Pn Kang exploded.
What is the .........., ............ ...... .......... ........... ......... ........ teacher's ........ problem???????????
(Feel free to fill in the blanks)
Yess ahhh????You know la Puan Kang Poh Sim....last year I became her victim....very kek sim...what to do?? * smacks her*
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