Tuesday, August 01, 2006

class T-shirt ...and something intersting

Ok guys....it's been a while I didn't post anything in the class blog.Ok ok let's just cut the crap!!HEehhehe

ok...to those who ordered ANOTHER class T-shirt,please please please pay up as soon as possible.The due date is on Thursday and PLEASE pay the right ammount ok.I do not have any change because it seems the teachers gave me RM50 to pay for the shirt and I'm do not have any change for them.So,in order to make my job easier,pay the right ammount ok.

s - XL = RM17 (without collar) RM19 (with collar)
XXL = RM22 if I'm not mistaken.

Ok...there will be something interesting going to happen in 5A.There will be some nominations going on in 5A and me ,Ivan and Fahri will be counting the votes in each category.Each person can only vote ONE PERSON in each category.The votings will start tomorrow and I hope all of you will cooperate.Thank you very much.


At 5:43 pm, August 01, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is that chan??- kf-

At 5:58 pm, August 01, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chan, why the late information? ...now I'll never get the class T shirt...

At 5:59 pm, August 01, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, what's the voting thingie...some sort like the prefects thing is it???

At 6:11 pm, August 01, 2006, Blogger The SJS DM said...

No, there's gonna be some sort of polling box(es) to be passed around.

At 2:34 pm, August 09, 2006, Blogger Ah Chan said...

hey,who wants to buy the new class T-shirt?Now we only have 14 orders.We need 6 more orders as the shop owner said minimum order is 20.Please please!!!buy the new class t-shirt....or else there's no time left for us to make the order.Please please !!!!Thank you!


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