Saturday, June 03, 2006

OH NO!!!!!!!

I read Shaun's post dated 26 May 2006-the one that has reminders about our Kimia "folio" or report as Pn Voon calls it.

I hope I'm not too late to make corrections. The last time I went online and visited this blog was just to test my internet connection that was finally fixed after two months of "kondem"nation. I only checked out the saybox. I didn't read the posts until today.

I just read the earlier mentioned post and........


I practically copied everything from my reference book into A4 paper. DON'T USE A4! Afterwards cannot staple them together ar.... (Trust me I know)

Use foolscap. I ran out of foolscap, and I forgot about teacher allowing foolscap. That's why I used A4.

The two experiments to include in the folio are:
  1. Pembuatan sabun (saponifikasi)
  2. Pengasingan pewarna makanan (kromatografi kertas)
I'm really sorry if this correction came in too late (for those of you who have finished).
But for those of you who haven't started, umm, you already know what to do.

Enjoy the remnants of the remnant of your "enjoy-time" before.... Something Perfectly Malicious (SPM).

Happy holidaying, Happy Gawai.
And Happy Early Birthday Richard.


At 9:58 pm, June 08, 2006, Blogger Ah Chan said...

eh,2 experiment meh?I thought got 3??Another one is perbezaan tindak balas sabun dengan detergen.It's in the reference book,though.So,should we do that or not?

At 8:34 am, June 09, 2006, Blogger The SJS DM said...

While we're at it, any idea what the ubat-ubatan tradisional template should look like? In chart form? Or something like a report?


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