Friday, June 30, 2006

Another Chain Essay

That's right. Some of us guys wrote another, equally nonsensical essay for everyone to laugh at. So here it is!

Oh, we'll be doing themed essays from now on. It gives us a vague sense of direction instead of just writing crap. This one's based on movie parodies.

Once upon a time, there lived a boy in Thirteen Dumpling Street named Barry Trotter. He was on a journey to find his Prince Charming. He carried with him a strange ring with weird squiggly lines that appear when you heat it up. The ring was pierced to the most intimate part of his body (go figure) to prevent it from being stolen by Ocean's Thirteen(Yea! There's an Ocean's Thirteen now!). On the way, he met Nemo's father, Marlin, who was Finding Nemo. Then Robert Langdon came and said, "This must be some clue to the Holy Grail." Arthur Dent quickly fired his Point-of-View Gun at Langdon, making him clueless as ever. Bruce Almighty, covering for God, who's on holiday, looked down at Langdon and sighed at his weak mind for being easily influenced by the POV Gun. But Sauron, master of evil, forged in the Fires of Doom, and Master Ring: One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them! Men and Elves overcame their differences and worked together to defeat Sauron in a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors. Ninjas Kick Back! And Steve found his friend in Brokeback Mountain. Sleeping Beauty came barging in shouting, 'Where's my glass slipper?" Cindy(Cinderella) said, "Hey! B*tch! You got my slippers! My Prince Charming will make you regret this!" "Yeah I'm your Prince Charming!" yelled Barry Trotter, as he reclaimed his throne as the main character. Then 'Deep Impact' and 'Armageddon" happened together, and from the resulting two meteor impacts were left the little penguins from Madagascar.

"Just smile and wave, boys, smile and wave."


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