Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Another Montage

Hey, it's been long since I haven't posted something on the blog. Oh well, here's just some of the photos I took during the Sports day (maybe Jardian will burn the others into a CD and sell it or something). And sorry, I don't have the picture of Mr Lim sleeping.

It's not much though, most of the pictures that I took are related to St. John one way or the other

We're ready for some action.


"What are you looking at? Hungry?"said the prefects.

"No, you thirsty?"

What are kids doing these days?

From left : Gerald, Cavan and Philip

Stare randomly into space while I take your pic.

From left : Aaron G., me, Alvin Y, Philip, Aaron J, Lim, Matthew, Wong, Joel and Jardian

First, we add some curiously white hair. Then, some quick-drying cement.....

Darren C.


Obviously the plan didn't work.

And Happy Valentine's day to you all!


At 7:26 pm, February 14, 2006, Blogger The SJS DM said...

Seems like a picture of Mr. Lim sleeping would be a big prize. Anyone took one, by chance?


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